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European Parliament / Analyses

10-06-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

Future of the EU Single Market

Article by Illiana Ivanova, MEP for the Parliament magazine EP Today Europe is suffering deeply from the severe economic crisis. We have always underlined unity in diversity as one of the core values of European integration. The EU internal market has always been respected as one of the best achievements of European integration. At the same time, we have never fully used...
01-05-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

Public presentation in Brussels of the book "Europe 2020 - Civic Vision"

A public presentation of the book "Europe 2020 - Civic Vision" was organized in Brussels on 13 April, 2010, in partnership with the Bulgarian MEPs Mariya Nedelcheva and Vladimir Urutchev. Special guest was French MEP Pascale Gruny. The book's presentation was followed by a discussion with the participation of young Bulgarian citizens, who were in the audience, and were...
01-05-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

VoxBox discussion “Europe’s role in the world by 2020 – the civic vision” in Brussels

A VoxBox discussion at the European Parliament in Brussels, broadcast live on the internet on Europe Gateway on April 14, 2010. A discussion about the role of Europe as a global player in the long-term perspective was organized on April 14, 2010, at the voxbox studio in the European Parliament’s studio in Brussels. The debate was streamed live on the...
11-03-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

"The soul of Europe is culture"

Speech by Mrs. Doris Pack, Chairperson of the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament. International conference “Europe 2020 – Civic Visions”, Sofia/Bulgaria, January 30, 2010. (Extracts) I will start by some comments on what has been already said at this conference. I would like to point out, first of all, that the European...
11-03-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

“Europe and Freedom”

Public speech by HE Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament. Aula Magna, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ochridsky”, Bulgaria, March 3, 2010. (Extracts) Dear Mr. Rector, Madame Tsacheva – President of the Bulgarian Parliament, dear colleagues, dear friends, but specially – dear students, When I asked few minutes ago some students if...
02-02-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

Statement of the European Ombudsman P. Nikiforos Diamandouros for the conference "Europe 2020 - the Civic Visions"

"The European Ombudsman and a Citizens' Europe" is the topic of the special address, sent by the European Ombudsman Mr. P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, for the participants in the "Europe 2020 - the Civic Visions" international conference, held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 29-30 January 2010. Introduction I would like to begin this contribution by congratulating the European...
02-02-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

Introductory statement by Mr. João Sant'Anna for the conference "Europe 2020 - the Civic Visions"

Mr. João Sant'Anna, Head of the European Ombudsman's Legal Department, was special guest of the conference "Europe 2020 - the Civic Visions", 29-30 January 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria. This is his introductory speech at the conference opening. On behalf of the European Ombudsman, I would like to congratulate the European Institute Foundation for organising this...
02-02-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

João Sant'Anna: "The European Ombudsman as the guardian of transparency"

Presentation of João Sant'Anna, Head of the Legal Department of the European Ombudsman, for the conference "Europe 2020 - the Civic Visions", held in Sofia on January 29 and 30, 2010. Mr. Sant'Anna took part in the work of Panel 1 - "The European Democracy - Mission Possible?" Introduction The principle of transparency - which did not feature very highly on...
02-02-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

Iliana Ivanova, MEP (EPP-GERB): Contribution to the “Europe 2020 – the Civic Visions” International conference

"ЕU 2020 - A Better Future For The Economy of The EU - How to Achieve This?" - this is the topic of the written contribution, made by Bulgarian MEP Iliana Ivanova, specially for the participants in the conference's third panel - "Solidarity in the EU – shared responsibility the development". Mrs. Iliana Ivanova MEP (EPP-GERB), who is Vice-Chairwoman of the special...
02-02-2010 • European Parliament / Analyses

Speech by Dr. Andrey Kovatchev MEP at the "Europe 2020 - Civic Vision" international conference in Sofia

Dr. Andrey Kovatchev MEP (EPP-GERB) participated in the conference's Panel 1 - "European Democracy - Mission Possible?". Ladies and gentlemen Thank you for the invitation to take part in this panel. As a Member of the European Parliament, I am deeply committed to increasing the participation of European citizens in the functioning of the European Union and appreciate the...
17-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

The new EC College to take office in February 2010, analyst Piotr Kaczynski predicts

Jose Barroso is to decide whether the new European Commission will be “neutral” or “politicized”, leading political observer Piotr Kaczynski told Europe Gateway’s readers in an online-chat. The re-election of Jose Barroso as European Commission’s President by the MEPS was a personal success for Mr. Barroso. The vote was much more difficult...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

The European Parliament – more powerful, less legitimate? An outlook for the 7th legislature

Some of the recently published by EPIN members: CEPS (Brussels): The European Parliament – more powerful, less legitimate? An outlook for the 7th legislature by Julia De Clerck-Sachsse and Piotr Maciej Kaczyński. Julia De Clerck-Sachsse and Piotr Maciej Kaczyński are Research Fellows at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. At the end of the 6th...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

More Unity than Diversity – The European Parliament after the elections

Some of the recently published by EPIN members: CEPS (Brussels): More Unity than Diversity – The European Parliament after the elections by Piotr Maciej Kaczyński. Piotr Maciej Kaczyński is a Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies. The 2009 European elections present European decision-makers with two main messages. First, the turnout was the lowest...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Lost Voters: Participation in EU elections and the case for compulsory voting

Some of the recently published by EPIN members: CEPS (Brussels): Lost Voters: Participation in EU elections and the case for compulsory voting by Anthoula Malkopoulou. Anthoula Malkopoulou is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. She would especially like to thank Mike Beke, Edmond Coughlan, Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Michael Emerson, Elena...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Time for Action: Immediate Priorities for the Next European Commission

Some of the recently published by EPIN members: CEPS (Brussels): Time for Action: Immediate Priorities for the Next European Commission by Arno Behrens, Sergio Carrera, Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Christian Egenhofer, Michael Emerson, Anaïs Faure Atger, Daniel Gros, Elspeth Guild, Karel Lannoo (and edited by Julia De Clerck-Sachsse). The EU is at present suspended in a...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

The New European Parliament: All change or business as usual?

Some of the recently published texts by the EPIN members: CEPS (Brussels): The New European Parliament: All change or business as usual? by Julia De Clerck-Sachsse. Julia De Clerck-Sachsse( is a Research Fellow at CEPS. Following its first session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament (EP) is now set up for its...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Lessons from the Czech EU Presidency

Some of the recently published texts by EPIN members: CEPS (Brussels): Lessons from the Czech EU Presidency by Piotr Maciej Kaczyński. Piotr Maciej Kaczyński is a Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. When the Czech Republic’s Presidency of the EU came to an end on 30 June 2009, a deep, collective sigh of relief was breathed by many...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty: Problems not only in Ireland

EPIN recommends: No. 18: Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty: Problems not only in Ireland by Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, Sebastian Kurpas and Peadar ó Broin, September 2008. After the Irish voters rejected the Treaty of Lisbon in a public referendum on 12 June 2008, European Union leaders decided nevertheless to continue the ratification process, with the aim of achieving...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

The European Commission 2004-09: A politically weakened institution? Views from the National Capitals

Selected from the EPIN Working Papers: No. 23: The European Commission 2004-09: A politically weakened institution? Views from the National Capitals by Piotr Maciej Kaczyński et al., May 2009. Piotr Maciej Kaczyński is a Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. The Barroso Commission is coming to an end. At this stage it is impossible to...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

If citizens have a voice, who’s listening? Lessons from recent citizen consultation experiments for the European Union

In June EPIN published previous Working Paper No. 24 If citizens have a voice, who’s listening? Lessons from recent citizen consultation experiments for the European Union by Stephen Boucher, Programme Director at the European Climate Foundation. Are European Union institutions, as they claim, really listening to citizens thanks to more ‘deliberative’...
11-09-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Staying in the Loop - The Commission’s role in first reading agreements

The European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN) just published a new EPIN Working Paper No. 25 Staying in the Loop - The Commission’s role in first reading agreements by Niels Fuglsang and Kim B. Olsen from the University of Copenhagen. The codecision procedure has changed radically since its inception in 1992. At first characterised by inter-institutional mistrust, the...
07-07-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Fresh start with new Members' Statute

Incoming MEPs will benefit from and be subject to the new Member's Statute that enters into force with the new term. This regulation for the first time ensures that MEPs from all countries will have the same status, also in terms of their salaries, pensions, sickness insurance. Previously there were huge disparities by nationality. Parliamentary assistants also see their...
07-07-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

MEPs and Ministers: 6 months of an EU Presidency

The arrival of Sweden at the tiller of the EU for the next six months has raised hopes of a functional and practical Presidency of the Union. Tackling Europe's economic woes and finding consensus for a post-Kyoto environment deal will be two of their toughest tasks. Ministers from the EU Presidency country are obliged to report to MEPs so PM Fredrik Reinfeldt, Foreign...
14-04-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Jeff Lovitt:”There Needs to be the Scope for Candidates from any Party in Europe to be a Candidate for Any Country”

Jeff Lovitt, a leading European expert in policy-making took part in the concluding online-chat of a series of thematic internet-discussions "Now - interacting with the EP!". Lovitt is Executive Director of PASOS (Policy Association for an Open Society), a network of 37 independent think-tanks spanning 24 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. PASOS is a...
25-03-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Bulgarians living in another EU country to vote in the European elections: how, when, where?

Europe Gateway research (last update: March, 25th, 2009) Our editor’s office received a lot of questions from Bulgarians who are temporary or permanent residents of other member states of the European Union and who are interested in how they could take part in the European Parliament Elections in June 2009. A Europe Gateway team researched the matter and the...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Matthew Rushworth - the winner in the essay competition

Beyond the sugar cubes, deeper engagement between Europe’s citizenry and its political institutions is the Union’s best hope for continued peace, prosperity and progress. Matthew Rushworth is the winner in the essay competition launched within the initiative “Now – Interacting with the European parliament”. He is 29 years old and is currently...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Second place in the essay conest - Boris Stanimirov

Boris Stanimirov is 32 years old. He is Head of Department in Leasing institution with serious background in International policy Relations. EP 2009 Vote: Beyond the Sugar Cubes The forthcoming vote for European Parliament will be the first truly European election in the history of the European Union. It’s the first time citizens of the entire geographical territory...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Third place it essay contest - Mikko Patokallio

Mikko Patokallio is a graduate of McGill University and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science. Later he was an intern at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. He currently works as a project assistant for the Crisis Management Initiative. EP 2009 Vote: Beyond the Sugar Cubes “We will sweeten Europe,” claims the slogan of the...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Fourth place in essay contest - Frederiek Vermeulen

EP 2009 Vote: Beyond the Sugar Cube 'If Europe were united in the sharing of its common inheritance there would be no limit to the happiness, prosperity and glory which its 300 million or 400 million people would enjoy.' Opening words taken from Winston Churchill’s famous speech held in Zurich in 1946. Shortly after, Europe started its most prestigious project...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / Analyses

Fifth place in essay contest - Ivan Iliev

32 year old councillor in Sofia City Council, Chair of the Engineering Infrastructure Committee and Air Traffic Controller in Approach Control Unit Sofia EP 2009 Vote: Beyond the Sugar Cubes Another year of elections. Another year of hope? – May be - for those who know why, for those who care! What should be known? – One thing only – it depends on us and...
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