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Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 1 Free movement of goods

Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 2 Freedom of movement for persons

EU's common position on Chapter 2 "Freedom of movement for persons" was adopted on June 6, 2002. EU_position_02_EN.pdf( (84.81 Kb)
Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 3 "Freedom to provide services"

EU's common position on Chapter 3 "Freedom to provide services" was adopted on November 14, 2001.  EU_position_03_EN.pdf (84.62 Kb) Chapter 3 "Freedom to provide services" was provisionally closed.
Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 4 "Free movement of capital"

EU's common position on Chapter 4 "Free movement of capital" was adopted on July 25, 2001.  EU_position_04_EN.pdf (133.41 Kb) Chapter 4 "Free movement of capital" was provisionally closed.
Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 10 "Taxation

EU's common position on Chapter 10 "Taxation" was adopted on May 29, 2002. EU_position_10_EN.pdf (113.56 Kb) Chapter 10 "Taxation" was provisionally closed.
Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 13 Social policy and employment

EU's common position on Chapter 13 "Social policy and employment" was adopted on October 24, 2001. EU_position_13_EN.pdf( (24.55 Kb)
Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 22 "Environment"

EU's common position on Chapter 22 "Environment" was adopted on June 25, 2003. EU_position_22_EN.pdf( (114.77 Kb)
Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 24 "Co-operation in the fields of justice and home affairs"

EU's common position on Chapter 24 "Co-operation in the fields of justice and home affairs" was adopted on October 15, 2003. EU_position_24_EN.pdf( (105.13 Kb)
Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 25 "Customs union"

EU's common position on Chapter 25 "Customs union" was adopted on July 29, 2002. EU_position_25_EN.pdf (134.98 Kb) Chapter 25 "Customs union" was provisionally closed.
Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 28 "Financial control"

EU's common position on Chapter 28 "Financial control" was adopted on September 27, 2002. EU_position_28_EN.pdf (121.27 Kb) Chapter 28 "Financial control" was provisionally closed.
Negotiations / Common positions of the member states

Chapter 30 "Institutions"

EU's common position on Chapter 30 "Institutions" was adopted on April 18, 2002. EU_position_30_EN.pdf( (25.07 Kb)
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