An extraordinary meeting of the Competitiveness Council is to be held in Brussels on Monday, 24 July.
The meeting will focus on the 7th Framework Programme for Research, with a view to reaching a political agreement on the programme. The meetings of the Competitiveness Council will be chaired by Minister of Trade and Industry, Mauri Pekkarinen.
Meetings of the Competitiveness Council are attended by European Affairs Ministers, Industry Ministers or Research Ministers, depending on the items on the agenda. The Competitiveness Council meets four to six times a year. Two official meetings of the Competitiveness Council are to be held during Finland’s EU Presidency. The meetings will be chaired by Minister of Trade and Industry, Mauri Pekkarinen.
Decision on the 7th Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for nuclear research (2007-2011) will be also at the agenda and a political agreement will be sought.
To follow the public deliberations and the press conference live on the Finnish Presidency website go here. The open session, due to run from 11.00 to 13.00 Brussels local time (GMT+2), and the press conference, to be held after the meeting, can be viewed live on this website.