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Последната актуална информация на тази версия на Europe Gateway е от 25 април 2014.
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Three Invitations for Forthcoming Online Discussions “Now– Interacting with the European Parliament! “

Dear Readers and friends, we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in three upcoming internet conversations with three Members of European Parliament on three important topics.

A discussion with the German MEP Dr. Peter Liese (EPP-ED/CDU) will take place On February 12, Thursday, from 11.00 to 12.00 CET on the topic of "Energy and Environment".


Peter Liese is a member of the EP Committee on the Environment and of the Temporary Committee on Climate Change. Liese was a rapporteur on including the aviation in the emission trading scheme. The working language of the online-discussion with Peter Liese will be German but questions and comments can be addressed in English, French and Bulgarian. The idea for the conversation was initiated by one of our readers form Germany and her comment on the difficulties, created in her view, by the new rules for introducing energy saving light bulbs (Sparbirnen).


On February 13, Friday, from 11.00 to 12.30 CET an online discussion will take place with Bulgarian MEP Dushana Zdravkova (EPP-ED/GERB) about "The Lessons from the EC Interim Report on Progress in Bulgarian Judiciary Reform".


Zdravkova is a jurist of great experience and a Vice-Chairwoman of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs. The conversation with Dushana Zdravkova will take place in Bulgarian. Our foreign readers are also welcome to address questions and comments, making comparison between the efficiency of Bulgarian judiciary with that in other member states. The online chat is part of out project "Your Voice in EU", aiming to promote civil participation in the work of EP and its members.

Take part in the online discussion with MEP Malcolm Harbour (EPP-ED/ Conservative Party, UK) on February 16, from 11.00 to 12.00 CET. The topic is "Consumer Protection Online and Public Procurement in the EU".


Malcolm Harbour is a member of the EP Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, as well as a Vice-Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. Last year he was a rapporteur on protection of electronic communication networks consumers and protection of the right of personal inviolability in electronic communications. In 2009 Harbour was a rapporteur on promotion of innovations for assuring sustainability and high quality of public procurement and services in Europe. The working language of the online discussion with Malcolm Harbour will be English but questions and comments can also be addressed in German, French and Bulgarian.

Every reader can take part in the coming discussion using the platform or send questions and comments in advance on


The full text of all online discussions will be released on

The series of online discussion with representatives of the European Parliament are part of the "Now -Interacting with the European Parliament" Campaign, co-funded by the EP.

Фондовете за България
Избори 2014
Специално от Портал Европа
Български инициативи
Мандат 2009-2014
Новини от ЕП
Портал ЕВРОПА представя
Твоят глас в ЕС
Фондовете за България
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