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News & Events - 8.09.2024 [see latest]

09-07-2013 • News & Events

OSCE media freedom representative asks Bulgarian authorities to ensure media are safe from assaults by high-profile politician

VIENNA, 8 July 2013 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, today expressed concern over the latest case of intimidation of journalists by parliamentarian and Ataka Party leader Volen Siderov, and asked the authorities to ensure that the media can work freely in Bulgaria. On 5 July a television crew of SKAT TV was verbally and physically...
22-01-2013 • News & Events

Verhofstadt to call for plenary debate on rule of law and freedom in Bulgaria

"Following the shocking scenes at the weekend of an assassination attempt in Sofia against the leader of Bulgaria's Movement for Rights and Freedoms, Dr. Ahmed Dogan, I would like to express my deepest concern on behalf of the ALDE Group in the European Parliament. It was a miracle that the incident did not end up tragically and should not be dismissed lightly." "I...
29-10-2012 • News & Events

Interview with Der Spiegel Mario Draghi, President of the ECB, conducted by Michael Sauga and Anne Seith on 22 October, published 29 October 2012

SPIEGEL: President Draghi, do you have a savings account? Draghi: Yes. SPIEGEL: Do you know how much interest you are getting? Draghi: Around 1.75%, that's the current rate on savings in Italy. SPIEGEL: The rate on a German savings account is even lower than that. The returns are not anywhere near sufficient to make up for rising prices. Are savers picking up the...
06-07-2012 • News & Events

Statement by the European Commission on Romania

The Commission is concerned about current developments in Romania, especially regarding actions that appear to reduce the effective powers of independent institutions like the Constitutional Court. The rule of law, the democratic checks and balances and the independence of the judiciary are cornerstones of the European democracy and indispensable for mutual trust within the...
27-06-2012 • News & Events

Mihail Dimitru: We have to involve the stakeholders in the process of negotiation

1. Please introduce yourself? I am Mihail Dimitru and I am director in the European Commission, Directorate-General "Agriculture and Rural Development". And I am in charge of the rural development programs. 2. What are the main lessons of the past of the CAP? We learned a lot of lessons in the past of the CAP. We learned that success also has sometimes some negative elements...
26-04-2012 • News & Events

Discrimination against Central Eastern European citizens is unacceptable

Letter sent to the European Commission by 10 EPP Group Heads of Delegations from Central Eastern Europe The Heads of Delegation of the EPP Group's 10 Central Eastern European Member States (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia) sent an open letter today to José Manuel Barroso, President of the...
19-09-2011 • News & Events

Bulgaria insists on joining EU's visa-free zone

Bulgaria says that if EU does not grant it a visa-free status within the union the country will reconsider its support for the legislation that makes that system possible, reported AP. Foreign Minister Nikolai Mladenov complained on Saturday that Bulgarians are not "secondhand citizens in Europe." On Friday, Dutch Immigration Minister Gerd Leers said his country plans to...
09-05-2011 • News & Events

Bulgaria Steps Up EU Funds Absorption

by Raina Lazarova, SeeNews SOFIA. Bulgaria will absorb no less than 20% of the allocated European Union funds this year - double the combined amount it absorbed in the previous four years, the cabinet minister in charge of EU funds said. "So far, more than 11.3% of the whole allocated sum has been disbursed which in absolute terms is equal to 1.775 billion levs($1.346...
17-03-2011 • News & Events

Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme: Commission publishes report on joint EU-US review

Commissioner Cecilia Malmström presented today the outcome of the first EU-US review of the implementation of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme to the LIBE Committee in the European Parliament. The joint report provides a close and detailed look into how the agreement has been implemented since its entry into force on 1 August 2010 and whether the necessary...
17-03-2011 • News & Events

The European Union's response to the earthquake and nuclear plant situation in Japan

Since the devastating earthquake which struck Japan on Friday 11 March, the European Union is fully mobilised to translate its solidarity in concrete support. On 11 March, President Barroso and President Van Rompuy issued the following statement: "We are deeply concerned at the news of the devastating earthquake which has struck Japan, causing a number of fatalities and...

Hungary's other deficit

Published at 12-01-2011 from Portal Europe
By The Economist The rotating presidency of the European Union is, mercifully, a much-diminished affair, as a result of the Lisbon treaty. Gone are the days when countries chairing EU meetings for six months would try to outdo each other with lavish events, fine cuisine and communiqués praising their pet obsessions. Summits are now more humdrum, held in Brussels and...
09-12-2010 • News & Events

Black Sea Strategy: Wide support for fully-fledged EU strategy in the region

The For­eign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament voted today on 'An EU Strat­egy for the Black Sea' with a large majority in favour (44 votes in favour, 0 against and 6 abstentions). Rapporteur Traian Ungureanu MEP expressed his deep satisfaction at the support received and considers the vote to be a strong signal in favour of EU strategic involvement...
11-11-2010 • News & Events

Bulgarian parliament adopts at first reading 2011 State Budget

The parliament in Bulgaria adopted at first reading the budget 2011, reported Focus News Agency. 202 MPs voted, 130 of them in favor, 58 against and 14 restrained. The economic growth is expected to be 3.6 percent of the gross domestic product. Sofia forecasts that the 26 billion leva (around 13.2946 billion euro) revenues and 28 billion leva (14.317 billion euros) cost....
10-11-2010 • News & Events

Commission sets out options on future cohesion policy

The Commission's 5th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion published today shows that the EU's cohesion policy has made a significant contribution to growth and prosperity and promoting balanced development across the Union. Nevertheless, in view of the substantial economic and social developments over recent years, the policy now has to address new...
10-11-2010 • News & Events

Commission presents its new energy strategy towards 2020

The Commission today presented its new strategy for a competitive, sustainable and secure energy. The Communication "Energy 2020" defines the energy priorities for the next ten years and sets the actions to be taken in order to tackle the challenges of saving energy, achieving a market with competitive prizes and secure supplies, boosting technological leadership, and...
27-10-2010 • News & Events

Most young people in France, Spain and the United Kingdom do not support violence.

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is publishing results from a survey of 3,000 Muslim and non-Muslim young people about their experiences of and attitudes towards discrimination, social marginalisation and violence. The results indicate that in the three Member States where the survey took place (France, Spain and the United Kingdom) most young people -...
25-10-2010 • News & Events

Hungary: the colours after disaster

Commissioner Georgieva's Blog: I had long planned a visit to Hungary, to discuss my policy proposal for strengthening our disaster response with the upcoming EU Presidency. Then, the accident in Ajka happened, and response to this specific disaster took central stage. The place to talk about it was not a conference room, but the affected area, still covered in sludge....
20-10-2010 • News & Events

The Parliament decided that GD CRAS should examine the signatures for the referendum wheter Turkey should join EU

Deputies have voted that the president of the national assembly shall assign GD Civic registration and administrative service to make a data check-up of the civic subscription for holding a national referendum, reports the Bulgarian National Radio. The Parliamentary Group of the Blue Coalition declared itself in favor of the request for referendum on the Turkish membership...
20-09-2010 • News & Events

Best way to stop Roma exclusion

Bulgarian MEP ( BG/EPP) and ex minister of Foreign Affairs, Nadezhda Neynsky (Mikh¬aylova), made last week a proposal, to support the Roma in their effort to integrate in the European societies, reports the New Europe. The new idea was presented and discussed with the European Peoples Party leadership, ahead of the party's summit in view of the European Council. Mm...
20-09-2010 • News & Events

National Reform Programme Project to Be Ready by Mid-November

The project for National Reform Programme (NRP) for Bulgaria, implementing the Europe 2020 strategy will be ready by mid-November 2010. This was announced during a public discussion, organised by the Ministry of Finance with the participation of representatives of the ministries, social partners and non-governmental organisations. The director of International Cooperation...
17-09-2010 • News & Events

Conclusions of the European Council, September 16, Brussels

The European Council discussed how to give new momentum to the Union's external relations, taking full advantage of the opportunities provided by the Lisbon Treaty. It agreed on the need for to promote its interests and values more assertively and in a spirit of reciprocity and mutual benefit. As a first step, it set general orientations with a view to a number of...
15-09-2010 • News & Events

Philip Dimitrov will be the new Head of EU Delegations in Georgia

Philip Dimitrov, former Bulgarian Prime Minister, right-wing leader and senior diplomat has been appointed as an EU ambassador to Georgia. He will be the new Head of EU Delegations under 2010 rotation in Georgia. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton approved 28 ambassadors and one deputy head to the Union's delegations around the world, reported BTA. As earlier...
07-09-2010 • News & Events

Letter by President Barroso to the Members of the European Parliament

Letter by President of the European Commission Barroso to the Members of the European Parliament, September 7, 2010, Strasbourg "Dear President Buzek, One year ago I presented my political guidelines for the next five years to the European Parliament and I proposed a special relationship between the Parliament and the Commission. I am pleased to see that in the few short...
20-07-2010 • News & Events

Report on Progress under the Co-operation and Verification Mechanism in Bulgaria

Upon accession of Bulgaria on 1 January 2007, certain weaknesses remained in the areas of judicial reform, the fight against corruption and organised crime that could prevent an effective application of EU-laws, policies and programmes and prevent Bulgarians from enjoying their full rights as EU citizens. Therefore, the Commission took the obligation within the Cooperation and...
30-06-2010 • News & Events

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Mladenov will attend a public presentation of the priorities of the Belgian EU Presidency

The European Institute Foudnation is organizing a public presentation of the priorities of the Belgian Presidency of the EU, with the participation of Bulgarian Foreign Minister Mr. Nickolay Mladenov and the Ambassador of Belgium to Bulgaria, H.E. Mr. Marc Michielsen. The event is scheduled for Monday - July 5 2010, at 11 h. Bulgarian time and will take place in the "Sredetz"...
23-06-2010 • News & Events

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: The EPP Group wants a date for the opening of negotiations with the EU

"I want the European Union to fix a date, without delay, for the opening of EU accession negotiations for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", said Joseph Daul MEP in Skopje where he is meeting the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister. "The authorities in this country are determined to proceed with the necessary reforms to implement the acquis...
18-06-2010 • News & Events

US Ambassador on the Bulgarian media

Statement by Ambassador James B. Warlick, made at the roundtable on media, organized in Sofia on June 18, 2010, by the Konrad Adenauer and the Democracy Foundations. I am honored to be invited here to join in the discussion of this important issue. As an American diplomat, I pride myself on the historical role my country played in championing the ideal of the free press. As...
20-05-2010 • News & Events

EP largely approved the extension of the EU financial assistance to Kozloduy NPP's decommissioning

The European Parliament widely approves Dr Antonyia Parvanova's position on EU nuclear decommissioning aid to Bulgaria (Kozloduy programme). Today, the European Parliament has largely approved the extension of the EU financial assistance to Bulgaria for the decommissioning of the units 1 to 4 of Kozloduy nuclear power plant. The report adopted in plenary fully reflects...
12-05-2010 • News & Events

Commission adopts reports under excessive deficit procedure for Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland and Luxembourg

The European Commission today adopted reports under the corrective arm of the Stability and Growth Pact for Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland and Luxembourg. Taking due account of the most recent economic outlook and all other relevant factors, the reports examine whether the general government deficit remains close to the 3% of GDP reference value and whether the excess...
12-05-2010 • News & Events

Euro area and EU27 GDP up by 0.2%, EUROSTAT says

Flash estimates for the first quarter of 2010 - Euro area and EU27 GDP up by 0.2% +0.5% and +0.3% respectively compared with the first quarter of 2009. GDP increased by 0.2% in both the euro area (EA16) and the EU271 during the first quarter of 2010, compared with the previous quarter, according to flash estimates published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European...
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