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Negotiations / Implementation / Monitoring reports

26-09-2006 • Negotiations / Implementation / Monitoring reports

Monitoring report on the state of preparedness for EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania

In 2002, the European Council announced its objective was to welcome Bulgaria and Romania into European Union in 2007, provided they made sufficient progress in fulfilling the membership criteria. Accession negotiations were completed in December 2004. The Accession Treaty1 was signed in April 2005. To date, the Treaty has been ratified by Bulgaria, Romania and 21 Member States....
16-05-2006 • Negotiations / Implementation / Monitoring reports


The accession negotiations with Bulgaria were successfully concluded in December 2004. The Accession Treaty was signed in April 2005. Bulgaria and 14 Member States have already ratified it. The Treaty envisages accession on 1 January 2007 unless the Council decides, upon a Commission recommendation, to postpone it until 1 January 2008. Following the conclusion of the...
25-10-2005 • Negotiations / Implementation / Monitoring reports

Comprehensive Monitoring Report

Bulgaria, by its geopolitical situation in South-East Europe, constitutes an interface between the European Union (EU) and Balkan as well as Black Sea regions. After the fall of the Berlin wall and the emergence of a democratic regime, Bulgaria very soon established diplomatic relations with the EU in 1989. In 1990, it signed a Trade and Co-operation Agreement with the EU. In...
30-08-2005 • Negotiations / Implementation / Monitoring reports

Assesment of Bulgaria's capacity to fulfil the commitments provided for in the Accession Treaty

Bulgaria is meeting the majority of commitments in the area of Justice and Home Affairs.  There are delays in the areas of implementing the Schengen Action Plan and the collection of statistical data. Serious concerns exist, over the efficiency of Bulgaria’s judicial system and in particular its capacity to amend the Criminal Procedure Code and thereafter also a number of...
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