Monitoring report on the state of preparedness for EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania
In view of the serious deficiencies identified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) arid the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) in the area of aviation safety, the JAA refused Bulgaria's mutual recognition within the JAA system in the relevant safety areas, namely airworthiness, maintenance, operations and flight crew licensing. In order to comply with EU law, Bulgaria needs to submit a corrective action plan to rectify all deficiencies and implement it within a strict timetable, in close cooperation with, and under guidance from EASA. An inspection by EASA will then be carried out as soon as possible before accession to verify the implementation of this plan.
Unless Bulgaria takes the necessary corrective actions, it risks that the Commission, at its own initiative or at the request of a Member State, may restrict access to the internal aviation market. Also, Bulgarian registered aircraft which do not comply with EU civil aviation safety rules may be subject to appropriate safeguard measures, based on the acquis. Furthermore, non-complying Bulgarian air carriers may be added to the EU list of banned air carriers which may not fly into, over or out of air space of the EU. These measures are all based on the acquis.
Unless Bulgaria takes the necessary corrective actions, it risks that the Commission, at its own initiative or at the request of a Member State, may restrict access to the internal aviation market. Also, Bulgarian registered aircraft which do not comply with EU civil aviation safety rules may be subject to appropriate safeguard measures, based on the acquis. Furthermore, non-complying Bulgarian air carriers may be added to the EU list of banned air carriers which may not fly into, over or out of air space of the EU. These measures are all based on the acquis.