Monitoring report on the state of preparedness for EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania
Upon accession, the Commission will, as for any other Member State, monitor the implementation of the acquis. Like for any other Member State, it will apply all the tools available within the EU legislation (acquis) where necessary. In addition, there are specific tools which only apply to Bulgaria and Romania. They are laid down in the Accession Treaty.
Section 3.1 provides an overview of the tools available under the acquis. Section 3.2 presents the tools based on the Accession Treaty. Section 3.3. indicates which specific accompanying measures are foreseen for the actual accession of Bulgaria and Romania.
Section 3.1 provides an overview of the tools available under the acquis. Section 3.2 presents the tools based on the Accession Treaty. Section 3.3. indicates which specific accompanying measures are foreseen for the actual accession of Bulgaria and Romania.