This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.
07-02-2010 • NEWEST ON EUROPE.BG
This is a summary of the viewpoints, expressed by civic organizations, during the international conference "Europe
2020 - Civic Visions", held in Sofia in January 2010.
Over 120 participants from various countries brainstormed together in order to draft common visions for Europe's
future within the next decade. The visions aim at best reflecting the expectations of the...
On 2nd July, 2007, the European Insitute is organising a public presentation of the "Priorities for the Portuguese
Presidency of the Council of the European Union".
The event will take place at "Sredetz" Hall of Sheraton Hotel at 11 h.
The public presentation will be given by H.E. Mr. Mario Jesus dos Santos, Ambassador of Portugal to Bulgaria.
Simultaneous English -...
The Government adopted the National Strategic Reference Framework for 2007-2013, drawn up with the social economic
partners and the non-governmental sector, the government information service announced ,quoted December 22 by the
Bulgaria in the EU Presscenter.
The document will be presented to the European Commission after January 1.
This is a long-term document which...
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