This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.
01-05-2010 • Events
A public presentation of the book "Europe 2020 - Civic Vision" was organized in Brussels on 13 April, 2010, in
partnership with the Bulgarian MEPs Mariya Nedelcheva and Vladimir Urutchev.
Special guest was French MEP Pascale Gruny.
The book's presentation was followed by a discussion with the participation of young Bulgarian citizens, who were
in the audience, and were...
01-05-2010 • Events
A VoxBox discussion at the European Parliament in Brussels, broadcast live on the internet on Europe Gateway
www.europe.bg on April 14, 2010.
A discussion about the role of Europe as a global player in the long-term perspective was organized on April 14, 2010,
at the voxbox studio in the European Parliament’s studio in Brussels. The debate was streamed live on the...
27-04-2010 • Events
On April 13, 2010 took place in the Brussels building of the European Parliament, a public presentation of the book
"Europe 2020 - Civic Visions".
The event was organized by the European Institute Foundation, the center for Policy Modernization and Europe Gateway,
within the project "Interacting with the European Parliament", implemented by those Bulgarian NGOs with the... |
26-04-2010 • Events
A VoxBox discussion at the European Parliament in Brussels, broadcast live on the internet on Europe Gateway
www.europe.bg on April 14, 2010.
A discussion about the role of Europe as a global player in the long-term perspective was organized on April 14, 2010,
at the voxbox studio in the European Parliament’s studio in Brussels. The debate was streamed live on the... |
28-04-2010 • Events
Nowadays, when all politicians and citizens of Europe are discussing how to plan its development for a decade ahead,
two contradicting voices are more and more clearly heard in the European public space.
One of the voices explicitly demands: “Enough with enlargement! We no longer want to cover the expenses of poorer
nations because we ourselves are hit by the economic... |
28-04-2010 • Events
In today’s feature on Radio Bulgaria under the project Interacting with the European Parliament, we offer you
different opinions gathered in April in the heart of united Europe – in the building in Brussels of the only
directly elected European institution – the European Parliament. There during a series of discussions and
meetings, the book Europe 2020... |
28-04-2010 • Events
Pictures taken at the round table, which took place in Paris on 22 April 2010, focusing on the future enlargement and
the civic vision about Europe in 2020.
The event was organized by the European Institute Foundation, the Center for Policy Modernization and Europe Gateway in
partnership with Touteleurope.fr and the EP Information Bureau in Paris, which hosted the event.... |
27-04-2010 • Events
A round table took place in Paris on 22 April 2010, focusing on the future enlargement and the civic vision about
Europe in 2020.
The event was organized by the European Institute Foundation, the Center for Policy Modernization and Europe Gateway in
partnership with Touteleurope.fr and the EP Information Bureau in Paris, which hosted the event.
This round table is part of...
27-04-2010 • Events
Mrs. Laura Dagg, Chief Editor of the European news potal Touteleurope.fr - media partner to this initiative - opened
the round table "The enlargement and Europe 2020 - Civic vision", which took place on April 22, 2010, in Paris.
The Information Bureau of the European Parliament for France hosted the event, organized by the Bularian NGOs European
Institute, Center for Policy... |
26-04-2010 • Events
A public presentation of the book "Europe 2020 - Civic Vision" was organized in Brussels on 13 April, 2010, in
partnership with the Bulgarian MEPs Mariya Nedelcheva and Vladimir Urutchev.
Special guest was French MEP Pascale Gruny.
The book's presentation was followed by a discussion with the participation of young Bulgarian citizens, who were
in the audience, and were... |
26-04-2010 • Events
A public presentation of the book "Europe 2020 - Civic Vision" was organized in Brussels on 13 April, 2010, in
partnership with the Bulgarian MEPs Mariya Nedelcheva and Vladimir Urutchev.
Special guest was French MEP Pascale Gruny.
The book's presentation was followed by a discussion with the participation of young Bulgarian citizens, who were
in the audience, and were... |
26-04-2010 • Events
A VoxBox discussion at the European Parliament in Brussels, broadcast live on the internet on Europe Gateway
www.europe.bg on April 14, 2010.
A discussion about the role of Europe as a global player in the long-term perspective was organized on April 14, 2010,
at the voxbox studio in the European Parliament’s studio in Brussels. The debate was streamed live on the... |
26-04-2010 • Events
A VoxBox discussion at the European Parliament in Brussels, broadcast live on the internet on Europe Gateway
www.europe.bg on April 14, 2010.
A discussion about the role of Europe as a global player in the long-term perspective was organized on April 14, 2010,
at the voxbox studio in the European Parliament’s studio in Brussels. The debate was streamed live on the... |
26-01-2010 • Events
The international conference "Europe 2020 - Civic Visions", part of the "Interacting with the European Parliament"
initiative, will be held in Sofia on January 29 and 30 (Friday and Saturday), 2010.
The conference venue is the "Grand Hotel Sofia" on Gurko Street 1 in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.
The "Europe 2020 - Civic Visions" international conference is part of the...
10-02-2009 • Events
In June 2009, elections for the European Parliament will be held for the first time simultaneously in 27 EU Member
States. One of the “Now – interacting with the European Parliament!” campaign objectives is to
increase the citizens’ knowledge of the EP throughout the Member States and to encourage them to vote.
The project team is announcing an Essay...
09-02-2009 • Events
Dear Readers and Friends, we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in three upcoming internet conversations
with three Members of European Parliament on three important topics.
A discussion with the German MEP Dr. Peter Liese (EPP-ED/CDU) will take place On February, 12th, Thursday, from 12
a.m. to 1 o'clock p.m. Bulgarian time (11-12 a.m. CET) on the topic...
12-11-2008 • Events
Friday, November 14, at 10 a.m. (Bulgarian time, 9.00 a.m. CET) gateway Europe invites you to an online discussion with
Mr. John Bell, Head of European Commissioner Meglena Kuneva's Cabinet responsible for Consumer Protection.
Through our web-platform http://chat.europe.bg anyone can participate in the upcoming discussion with questions,
opinions and comments related to...
23-07-2008 • Events
This text represents the speaking points used by the EC spokespersons for the briefing. They are published at the EC
The Commission has today approved a series of reports assessing the progress in Bulgaria and Romania of judicial reform
and the fight against corruption under the Co-operation and Verification mechanisms set up when both countries joined
the EU last year. |
20-05-2008 • Events
The influential Bulgarian civil-society organization The European Institute hosted a public debate in the city of
Bourgas about the freedom of media and the European standards in journalism. Students from the Burgas Free University
attended the lively debate with high-ranking participants, such as Mrs. Maria Stefanova - chairperson of the Bulgarian
Council of electronic media,...
13-05-2008 • Events
Brussels, 08 May 2008.
Enlargement Directorate-General
The Director-General
Michael Leigh.
Dear Mr Ivanovski,
Thank you for your letter of 31 March 2008. We have carefully assessed the information you provided in response to the
25 corrective actions listed in my letter of 28 February.
We recognise that you have started to take a number of actions in response to the...
19-04-2008 • Events
On 17 April, the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament held the public hearing Chernobyl Today. The impact of the
Chernobyl catastrophe (April 26 1986) on the environment, health and society as well as the violations of human rights
with the focus in particular on the victims of the catastrophe, was discussed during the hearing.
"The Soviet Government initially delayed any...
13-06-2007 • Events
On 2nd July, 2007, the European Insitute is organising a public presentation of the "Priorities for the Portuguese
Presidency of the Council of the European Union".
The event will take place at "Sredetz" Hall of Sheraton Hotel at 11 h.
The public presentation will be given by H.E. Mr. Mario Jesus dos Santos, Ambassador of Portugal to Bulgaria.
Simultaneous English -...
The economic, social and territorial situation of the enlarged Union and its 268 regions is illustrated for the first
time in the Fourth Cohesion Report presented by the European Commission. The report contains a detailed analysis of the
position of the regions in terms of GDP, productivity and employment, identifying a series of challenges with which
Member States and regions...
26-03-2007 • Events
Declaration on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the signature of the Treaties of Rome.
For centuries Europe has been an idea, holding out hope of peace and understanding. That hope has been fulfilled.
European unification has made peace and prosperity possible. It has brought about a sense of community and overcome
differences. Each Member State has helped to unite...
For the first time an 18-month programme for the three successive German, Portuguese and Slovenian Presidencies was
elaborated for the period January 2007 to June 2008. It is the Council's official work programme for that period
and was drawn up in close coordination with the Commission. The General Affairs and External Relations Council adopted
the 18-month programme...
03-01-2007 • Events
The Government adopted the National Strategic Reference Framework for 2007-2013, drawn up with the social economic
partners and the non-governmental sector, the government information service announced ,quoted December 22 by the
Bulgaria in the EU Presscenter.
The document will be presented to the European Commission after January 1.
This is a long-term document which...
06-12-2006 • Events
Since September 2006, 73 students from 23 countries are enrolled in the Master's program "Public Policy" at the
Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. Until 11 February, 2007, students may apply for the program beginning in
September, 2007. We would like to call attention to this program and encourage your students to apply. In 2007, 80 new
students will be joining the...
On 28th September Konrad Adenauer Foundation and European Institute Foundation are organising discussion on
"Bulgaria's Readiness for EU Membership according to the EC Monitoring Repord from 26 September 2006.
The roundtable will take place at 10 o'clock on September 28th (Thursday), 2006 Serdica Hall, Sheraton Sofia
Hotel Balkan.
Here you can...
When the European Parliament debated the priorities of the Finnish Presidency on July 5, Finnish Prime Minister Matti
Vanhanen made clear he would be giving full attention to enlargement during his country's just-commenced six months in
"Enlargement is a key issue for Finland’s Presidency", he said. "The enlargement of the Union has been a success
story. Not only is...
Romanian and Bulgarians wishing to join the EU institutions bureaucratic team could still enlist for competition till
20 July.
European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) has published the competition end of June, announcing that the EU now hires
Romanian and Bulgarian citizens to fill in jobs in European public administration, law, economics and audit and
secretarial field,...
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