This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.
28-04-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Nowadays, when all politicians and citizens of Europe are discussing how to plan its development for a decade ahead,
two contradicting voices are more and more clearly heard in the European public space.
One of the voices explicitly demands: “Enough with enlargement! We no longer want to cover the expenses of poorer
nations because we ourselves are hit by the economic... |
28-04-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
In today’s feature on Radio Bulgaria under the project Interacting with the European Parliament, we offer you
different opinions gathered in April in the heart of united Europe – in the building in Brussels of the only
directly elected European institution – the European Parliament. There during a series of discussions and
meetings, the book Europe 2020... |
11-04-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Five MEPs will take part in events, organised by the European Institute, the Centre for Policy Modernisation and
Europe Gateway in Brussels on 13 and 14 of April.
The President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek has sent a special video
message(http://parliament.europe.bg/bg/index.php?category=375&id=28418&page=-1) , addressing the participants in the
presentations of...
05-02-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Author: Maria Dimitrova, Radio Bulgaria.
In today’s EP feature on Radio Bulgaria, we bring you more on the conference ‘Europe 2020 –Civic
Visions’(http://parliament.europe.bg/htmls/page.php?id=26996&category=230&translation=en) which took place in
Sofia at the end of January 2010. European and Bulgarian non-governmental organizations, university... |
15-12-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Author: Daniela Konstantinova, Iva Letnikova, Iliana Raycheva - Radio BULGARIA.
“When” is the most frequent question when people speak about the new European Commission, its members,
allocation of positions and EP hearings. The most pressing question remains – when will the new EC start
This is the topic of today’s feature... |
07-12-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Authors: Daniela Konstantinova, Iliana Raicheva, Iva Letnikova - Radio Bulgaria.
In November the EU elected a Chairman of the European Council and a High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy
and Security. These are the new top-positions established through the Lisbon Treaty. Mass media have chosen to call them
“President” and “Foreign Minister”... |
28-09-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
With the start of the new Political season in Europe the term “enlargement” is again in vogue. Three
countries are the concrete targets of that subject – from the North, through the Balkans to the Borsphorus. These
are Iceland , Croatia and Turkey . In today’s edition of the “Interacting with the European
Parliament” feature of Radio... |
14-06-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
The results from the European Parliament elections are already out. 43.23% of us, the European citizens, have cast our
votes and have thus chosen who the new 736 MEPs and their parties will be. What characterized the voting process in the
different EU member states and, most importantly, what lessons Europe can draw from the voting and the results? This is
the subject of... |
02-06-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
From June 4 through the 7 we, European citizens will be electing the new 736 members of the European Parliament. For
the first time the EP is organizing a common information campaign whose aim is to encourage the greatest number of
citizens from each of the 27 member states to exercise their rights to vote. “It’s Your Choice!” is
the motto of the information... |
24-05-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
From 4 to 7 June all Europeans have been summoned to go to the polls and elect the new 736 members of the European
Parliament, the only institution in our common European home whose lineup we decide about by means of direct voting.
Regardless of whether we are Bulgarian, Swedish, French or any other nationality, once every five years we are given the
chance of laying down the... |
10-04-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
In today’s issue from the series “Now-Interacting with the EP”, Radio Bulgaria, Portal Europe and
the European Institute offer you an insight on the discussions held in Paris and Versailles on the subject “what
European citizens, and especially the young, expect from tomorrow’s MEPs?”
The French partners along the project, Yvelines Radio,... |
28-03-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
In today’s issue from the initiative “Now-Interacting with the EP” you will hear excerpts from the
specially organized discussion in Brussels at the VoxBox studio at the European Parliament, on the subject of
forthcoming European Parliament elections, assessing the EP’s outgoing term. The event took part on the eve of the
birthday of the EP – March... |
03-03-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
In today’s issue of the series Now – interacting with the European Parliament, Radio Bulgaria, Gateway
Europe and the European Institute bring more about the all-European essay competition EP 2009 Vote – Beyond the
Sugar Cubes. The contest is open to all Radio Bulgaria listeners coming from any of the EU member states.
The competition has been declared by the... |
07-12-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Concrete decisions for measures to cope with the financial crisis were made at the EU Summit in mid-October in Brussels.
It took place immediately after the meeting of the leaders of the 15 countries of the euro-area, which had worked out a
healing plan for restoring trust in the banking system. It implies the re-capitalization of financial institutions under
difficulties, state... |
09-11-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Are citizens aware of the work of the European Parliament and its impact on their lives? How do media act to deliver
information to people in an accessible and intriguing way? Are there risks of a “dangerous flirt” between
the EP and the press? This is our topic in today’s edition of our series “Now – interacting with the
European Parliament”.... |
09-10-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
In today’s edition of the program Now – Interacting with the European Parliament, Radio Bulgaria, Gateway
Europe and the European Institute are bringing more details about the role and responsibilities of the assistants and
advisors of European Parliament members.
The job of EP members is tight with trips between Brussels, Strasbourg and their own countries; with... |
19-09-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
In today’s programme from the series “NOW – INTERACTING WITH THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT”, radio
Bulgaria, Portal EUROPE and the European Institute will offer you viewpoints on the future of the Treaty of Lisbon in
the context of the French Presidency of the European Union.
After the Irish “NO” to the Lisbon Treaty, France, which took over the... |
01-08-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
On 23 July, with the most holiday - like month of the year approaching , and a year and a half after Bulgaria ’ s
accession to the European Union, the government received a critical report from the European Commission on the
country’s progress in Justice and Home Affairs . It reported on the lack of results in combating organized crime
and corruption in high places.... |
29-06-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Shortly before the expiry of the Slovenian presidency of the EU the Irish said “NO” to the Lisbon Treaty.
The next country to preside the Union on the rotation principle – France – confirmed its 4 priorities. They
are: climate and energy; immigration; joint European defense and support for agriculture. “As you can see, they
are not affected by the... |
29-05-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
In the middle of the 19th century a British lady – Favell Mortimer, wrote a tourist guide of “the most
important countries of the world”. On September 28, 2007 the electronic version of the Independent.ie published
parts of it, calling it “the rudest travel book” ever written. According to Mrs. Mortimer the British are
not very pleasant company... |
29-05-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
In May we celebrate Europe Day, May 9. It is a good occasion to revisit the history of the European Union, talk about
Europe ’s symbols and find out what has made us closer to each other as European citizens. In this edition of the
series Now – Interacting with the European Parliament(http://parliament.europe.bg/en/index.php?category=400)
Radio Bulgaria, Gateway... |
29-04-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Welcome to the new broadcast in the series Now – interacting with the European
When they want to justify some unpopular decision, national politicians often say: “That’s what Brussels
demands”. On the other hand, within the European Parliament often certain decisions fail to be... |
20-04-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
Welcome to the new broadcast in the series Now – interacting with the European
Parliament.(http://parliament.europe.bg/en/index.php?category=400) Today we bring to you examples that illustrate ways
in which our voice, the voice of citizens, will be more audible in Brussels . This will become possible due to the
extended powers of the European Parliament under the Treaty... |
30-03-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
On 13 December 2007 state and government leaders of the 28 European Union member countries signed in the Portuguese
capital the new treaty of the enlarged Union. Consequently it entered public space and contemporary history with the
popular name Lisbon Treaty. In brief, the treaty envisages new and more flexible institutions and democratization of
decision- making. The treaty... |
18-03-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Radio broadcasts
To listen to this broadcast in other languages, and to read the transcript, please click on the appropriate banners
Is it possible that my opinion on issues that concern me and the life of a circle of people whom I am related to
through common interests, is taken into account influencing decision making in the EU? What makes the European
Parliament, about which there... |
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