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European Parliament / About the initiative

05-08-2009 • European Parliament / About the initiative

About the project "Interacting with the European Parliament"

"Interacting with the European Parliament" Engaging the citizens in setting up the EU common goals and policies through encouraging them to participate in a Europe-wide debate – this is the main objective of the “Interacting with the European Parliament” communication campaign, implemented in various languages through the internet-platform http://parliament.
05-08-2009 • European Parliament / About the initiative

About the implementing organizations - project "Interacting with the EP"

The communication campaign "Interacting with the European Parliament" is implemented by the European Institute, the Centre for Policy Modernization, Europe Gateway and "Radio Bulgaria" - BNR with the financial support of the EP's Directorate General "Communication". ( The European Institute( The European...
19-03-2008 • European Parliament / About the initiative

About the implementing organizations - "Now - interacting with the EP" project

The European Institute The European Institute is a non-governmental organization established in April 1999 in response of Bulgaria's striving for speeding up the process of preparation for accession to the European Union. The European Institute has been established with the support of Mr. George Soros, founder of the Open Society Institute and Soros Foundations Network....
19-03-2008 • European Parliament / About the initiative

About the project "Now - interacting with the EP"

The Project “Now – Interacting with the European Parliament”, presented by the European Institute – Bulgaria, has been approved in the framework of the EP Annual Grant Program – 2008 through DG “Information”. This project includes the implementation of various communication activities, corresponding to the EP annual priorities. The...
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