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News & Events / Highlights

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Dutch to kick start Yes campaign

The Dutch government is set to launch a campaign to support the EU Constitution before it goes to a referendum on 1 June.

The country's leading figures will appear on television to discuss the issues around the vote, following criticism that the Dutch debate on the subject has been lacklustre so far.

The cabinet will focus on explaining the benefits of the new treaty and rebuffing the claims of the No camp, which has tried to link the text to Turkey's EU membership and a dilution of Dutch nationals' rights, the Financial Times reports.

The EU Constitution is supported by five large political parties that will campaign independently on different aspects of the treaty.

Mounting opposition among French citizens is reportedly raising concerns in the Hague, but officials denied claims that a negative outcome in France would put a halt to the Dutch vote.

The latest government polls suggested a slim majority in favour of the constitution, but many voters remain undecided.

A recent TV poll showed 24 per cent in favour, 23 per cent undecided and 53 per cent opposed to the text.

Greece set to rubber stamp constitution
Meanwhile, the Greek parliament will vote on the document today (19 April) after last week's postponement of the ratification process.

The vote was originally planned for last Friday following three days of parliamentary debate.

But the summing up session overran before the weekend, pushing back the poll on a procedural technicality.

There are no surprises on the cards, as both main parties - the ruling conservatives and the opposition socialists - support the treaty.

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