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Bulgaria is proceeding “full steam ahead” with reforms ahead of a critical Brussels report on Sofia’s readiness for EU membership, the country’s foreign minister has insisted.

Ivailo Kalfin has trailed “some promising results” as Bulgaria hands in final reports to the European commission before the summer break.

On September 26 European enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn will tell Sofia whether enough progress has been made for Bulgaria to join the EU on time on January 1 2007.

Unless Bulgaria improves its track record on key judicial and administrative reforms, entry could be delayed until 2008.

Kalfin argues that after the commission deferred judgment on Bulgaria and Romania in May there is “no room for postponement” in September.

“We expect the report will clearly say what will be the date. I hope there will be no reason to activate delays,” he said.

“There won’t be compromise. We expect a very clear report on achievements and shortcomings. We will make sure shortcomings are not too much to trigger safeguard clauses.”

If Rehn decides that Bulgaria has made sufficient progress to join on time – perhaps with caveats in some areas – then Sofia’s EU entry will proceed as planned without further debate.

But if a negative report is made then EU member states must decide – by unanimity – at a meeting of Europe’s foreign ministers on October 16.

The issue of delaying Bulgaria’s entry would then be a hot topic at the Lahti informal summit of EU leaders on October 20.

The EU executive’s May 2006 progress report on Bulgaria points to institutional failings in a key political area - justice and home affairs.

Six EU “red flags” in sensitive areas police cooperation, the fight against organised crime and against fraud and corruption have triggered frantic work in Sofia.

Changes to Bulgaria’s constitution are to be rushed through the national parliament in September and judicial reforms have continued at a fast pace.

“We will have to work quite hard. There is still work to be done,” said Kalfin

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