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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

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10-09-2010 • In advance

French Toute l'Europe is launching a new website Tweet your MEP

This September, Toute l'Europe, a Paris-based European affairs media, is launching a new website Tweet your MEP. Its goal is to enable European citizens to communicate with their MEPs in an easy, immediate and transparent way. Toute l'Europe( is a media partner of EUROPE Gateway. With 400 000 monthly visitorsToute l'Europe is a major...
04-07-2010 • In advance

Public presentation of the priorities of the Belgian EU Presidency on Monday

The European Institute Foudnation is organizing a public presentation of the priorities of the Belgian Presidency of the EU, with the participation of Bulgarian Foreign Minister Mr. Nickolay Mladenov and the Ambassador of Belgium to Bulgaria, H.E. Mr. Marc Michielsen. The event is scheduled for Monday - July 5 2010, at 11 h. Bulgarian time and will take place in the "Sredetz"...
22-04-2010 • In advance

Europe 2020 – European Citizens and the EU institutions

On April 26, Monday, 11.00h, at the Information Office of the European Parliament in Milano will be held the final presentation of the book “Europe 2020: Civic Vision”( . It summarizes the two-year campaign “Interacting with the European Parliament”, implemented by the...
11-04-2010 • In advance

The Civic Vision for Europe in 2020 will be Presented in Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesday

Five MEPs will take part in events, organised by the European Institute, the Centre for Policy Modernisation and Europe Gateway in Brussels on 13 and 14 of April. The President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek has sent a special video message( , addressing the participants in the presentations of...
02-11-2009 • In advance


Balkan Ethnology Department at Ethnographic Institute and Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Austrian Science and research Liaison Office in Sofia are organizing 3 days conference in Sofia. 24 prominent scholars from Austria, Bulgaria, FYROM, Iran, Russia, Slovakia and Turkey will look for the answers of several key questions: - Who and how is shaping the reflections...
17-09-2009 • In advance

Former EP President and Former European Commissioner - online for EUROPE Gateway

Hans-Gert Pöttering and Danuta Hübner will answer questions by EUROPE Gateway readers in online discussions on September 24 and 30, 2009. EUROPE Gateway invites all its readers from Bulgaria and Europe to participate in two consecutive online discussions. Polish MEP Danuta Hübner (EPP), chair of the Regional Development Committee of the European Parliament...
14-09-2009 • In advance

Online-chat on Barroso’s re-election as EC President: 17 September, 12.00 Brussels time (13.00 in Sofia)

„The political dimensions of the election of a new European Commission by the EP.” This is the topic of a forthcoming online-discussion on Europe Gateway with leading political analyst Piotr Maciej Kaczynski, research fellow at the Center for European Political Studies CEPS. The chat on is scheduled for...
13-04-2009 • In advance

PASOS Executive Director Jeff Lovitt in an online-chat with our readers on Tuesday morning

Tomorrow: join the concluding online-chat of a series of thematic internet-discussions “Now – interacting with the EP!” Is the Lisbon Treaty more or less likely to be ratified by Ireland and the Czech Republic in the light of the economic crisis and the fall of the Czech government respectively? How has the Czech EU Presidency's performance reflected...
02-02-2009 • In advance

А new informative and training platform is now active on

We are glad to present to you a new interactive module – the on-line platform of the “Now – Interacting with the European Parliament” Initiative! For all our readers and friends a new informative and training platform is now active, dedicated to the European Parliament and its role in the EU policy-making and implementation. On this new page within...
13-11-2008 • In advance

Online chat with Commissioner Kuneva's head of cabinet John Bell: Friday morning

Friday, November 14, at 10 a.m. (Bulgarian time, 9.00 a.m. CET), Gateway Europe invites all readers to an online discussion with Mr. John Bell, Head of European Commissioner Meglena Kuneva's Cabinet responsible for Consumer Protection. Through our web-platform anyone can participate in the upcoming discussion with questions,...
12-11-2008 • In advance

Online chat with Mr. John Bell

Friday, November 14, at 10 a.m. (Bulgarian time, 9.00 a.m. CET) gateway Europe invites you to an online discussion with Mr. John Bell, Head of European Commissioner Meglena Kuneva's Cabinet responsible for Consumer Protection. Through our web-platform anyone can participate in the upcoming discussion with questions, opinions and comments related to...
09-10-2008 • In advance

Online discussion with Zita Gurmai and Marusya Lyubcheva MEPs – “The fight against child trafficking in the EU”

The Hungarian MEP Zita Gurmai (PES) and her Bulgarian colleague Marusya Lyubcheva (PES) will participate in a real time online-discussion on Monday, October 13, at 11:00 Bulgarian time (10:00 Brussels time). The discussion will take place at within the framework of the initiative „Now - interacting with the European...
08-10-2008 • In advance

Press conference on Written Declaration against children trafficking N.50

The special press conference, organized by MEPs Marusya Lyubcheva, Ms Zita Gurmai, Ms Diana Wallis, Ms Eva-Britt Svensson and Ms Anna Zaborska will take place on the 9th of October, at 10:30 in the European Parliament (Room PHS 0A050 ). The press conference is devoted to the success of Written Declaration N.50 on combating the trafficking of children. This declaration is...
06-10-2008 • In advance

Copy of Online discussion with Mrs. Salomé Zourabichvili – “The role of the EU in Caucasus”

This real-time online discussion starts at 13.00 p.m. - Brussels time, on Wednesday , 8 October , 2008, with Mrs. Salomé Zourabichvili, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia. The online discussion will take place at within the framework of the initiative „Now - interacting with the European Parliament!"....
06-10-2008 • In advance

Online discussion with Mrs. Salomé Zourabichvili – “The role of the EU in Caucasus”

This real-time online discussion starts at 13.00 p.m. - Brussels time, on Wednesday , 8 October , 2008, with Mrs. Salomé Zourabichvili, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia. The online discussion will take place at within the framework of the initiative „Now - interacting with the European Parliament!"....
22-08-2008 • In advance

Online discussion “The role of the European Ombudsman: Helping to improve relations between the EU and its citizens“

The real-time online discussion starts at 11.00 a.m. Bulgarian time (10.00 a.m. - Brussels time) on Thursday, 4 September, 2008, and will be attended by experts from the office of the European Ombudsman - Mr P. Nikiforos Diamandouros. Main guest of the debate will be Ms Rosita Agnew who is in charge of the public and media relations with the European Ombudsman. Her...
30-06-2007 • In advance


On 2nd July, 2007, the European Insitute is organising a public presentation of the "Priorities for the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union". The event will take place at "Sredetz" Hall of Sheraton Hotel at 11 h. The public presentation will be given by H.E. Mr. Mario Jesus dos Santos, Ambassador of Portugal to Bulgaria. Simultaneous English -...
24-07-2006 • In advance


Round table to discuss the findings of the Capacity Assessment of Municipalities and District Administrations to work with the EU Structural and Cohesion Funds will take place tomorrow  July 25th, 2006, from 10:00 to 12:00 hrs. at Radisson SAS Hotel, Alexander Hall. Presentation on the main findings of the survey will be made by Vassil Marinov and Vassil Garnizov – main...
19-07-2006 • In advance


At their meeting in Brussels on Monday 24 July, the EU Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs are to hold an exchange of views on the Commission's Communications concerning the review of the Hague Programme, a global approach to migration and management of migration flows.   Monday's meeting will be the first in a series of three Justice and Home Affairs Council meetings...
19-07-2006 • In advance


An extraordinary meeting of the Competitiveness Council is to be held in Brussels on Monday, 24 July. The meeting will focus on the 7th Framework Programme for Research, with a view to reaching a political agreement on the programme. The meetings of the Competitiveness Council will be chaired by Minister of Trade and Industry, Mauri Pekkarinen.      Meetings of the...
19-07-2006 • In advance


A plan to create rapid reaction teams of border guards to deal with European Union immigration crises will be unveiled in Brussels on Wednesday, BBC reports. The proposal comes in response to a request from member states for the creation of teams of experts able to respond quickly to requests for help. Spain asked in May for help tackling an influx of migrants to the...
26-04-2004 • In advance


The legal basis of the Common Agricultural policy are Articles 32 to 38 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The aim of the common agricultural policy is to provide farmers with a reasonable standard of living and consumers with quality food at fair prices. The way these aims are met has changed over the years. Food safety, preservation of the rural environment...
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