Call for proposals – EACEA/25/09 – Action 4.1 – Support for bodies active at European level in the field of youth

The purpose of this call for proposals is to provide support for the permanent activities of bodies active at European level in the field of youth and pursuing an aim which is of general European interest.
These activities must help encourage young people to participate as citizens in public life, in society and in the development and implementation of European cooperation actions in the broadly defined field of youth.
An annual grant may be awarded to help such bodies meet their operating costs. These bodies may be:
a not-for-profit organisation performing its activities on behalf of young people at European level,
a European network representing bodies working on behalf of young people.
The call for proposals aims to the selection of organisations for the conclusion of annual operating grant agreements covering the budget year starting in 2010.
The present call for proposals does not concern organisations having concluded a Framework Partnership Agreement with the Agency for 2008-2010.
To be eligible for an operating grant, a body must:
— be non-governmental,
— have been legally registered for at least one year on the date of submission of applications,
— be non-profit-making,
— be a youth organisation or one having a broader scope but including a section dedicated to youth,
— involve young people in managing activities developed with them in mind,
— have at least one (salaried or non-salaried) permanent member of staff. An exception is granted to bodies that have never received grants under this action and that intend to employ a permanent member of staff if this grant is awarded.
Bodies established in any one of the following countries are eligible to apply:
— the Member States of the European Union,
— the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries in the European Economic Area (EEA): Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway,
— the countries applying for membership of the European Union and benefiting from a preaccession strategy: Turkey,
— the countries of the Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia,
— the following East European countries: Belarus, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine.
Applicant bodies must have active organisations in at least 8 of the aforementioned countries.
Organisations must schedule within their annual work plan for covering their budgetary year 2010 a series of activities which comply with the principles underpinning Community action in the field of youth.
The activities likely to contribute towards strengthening and improving the efficiency of Community action are as follows:
— Group 1: representing the views and interests of young people in their diversity at European level,
— Group 2: youth exchanges and voluntary services,
— Group 3: non-formal and informal learning and activity programmes targeted at young people,
— Group 4: promoting intercultural learning and understanding,
— Group 5: debate on European matters, EU policies or youth policies,
— Group 6: dissemination of information on Community action,
— Group 7: actions promoting participation and initiative by young people.
Applications for funding will be evaluated in the light of the following qualitative criteria:
— their suitability in terms of the programme’s objectives,
— the quality of the activities planned,
— the impact and multiplier effect of these activities on young people,
— the geographical impact of the activities planned,
— the involvement of young people in the organisation of the bodies concerned.
and of the following quantitative criteria:
The number of:
— activities planned,
— groups of activities involved,
— topics covered,
— young people taking part in the activities, in particular those with fewer opportunities,
— the countries involved.
The total budget allocated for cofinancing the operation of bodies active at European level in the field of youth under the present Call for proposals is estimated at EUR 1 400 000. Community financial assistance cannot exceed 80 % of the total operating costs. The maximum Community grant for each body will be EUR 35 000 for an annual operating agreement.
For the calculation of the amount of the operating grant, applicant organisations can choose between two systems of financing:
1. a flat rate financing;
2. the traditional eligible costs budget financing (budget based calculation).
Grant applications must be drawn up in one of the official EU languages, using the electronic form specifically designed for this purpose. The electronic application form duly completed should be submitted by the 9th of December 2009.
A paper version of the application, signed in original by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant body should also be sent by the 9th of December 2009 to the following address:
Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency
Youth Unit (P6) — Grant application — Action 4.1 — 2010
Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOUR — 4/29)
1140 Bruxelles/Brussel
— by post (date of postmark),
— by courier service (date of receipt by the courier service delivering the application to the Executive Agency).
Applications sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted.
The forms can be obtained on the Internet at the following address: en.htm
Applications must comply with the provisions contained in the Application Guidelines — Call for proposals EACEA/25/09, be submitted on the application form provided for this purpose and contain the relevant annexes. The said documents can be found on the Internet at the following address: