The International Higher Education Support Program (HESP) announces new call for proposals for student organizations

On 7th of February on the website of The Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe is published new call for proposals for student organizations.
The International Higher Education Support Program (HESP) of the Open Society Foundations is pleased to invite project proposals for new projects from students within its Student Initiatives from the following Southeast European (SEE) university student communities:
- Albania;
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria;
- Croatia;
- Kosovo;
- Macedonia;
- Moldova;
- Montenegro;
- Romania;
- Serbia.
The new call for proposals for student organizations in Southeast Europe is in the following problem areas:
- Student Solidarity for Antidiscrimination and Access to Higher Education in SEE countries;
- Examination of higher education reforms in SEE Europe and the quality of higher education;
- Students against Corruption.
You can find the new call for proposals here:
Full project proposal should be submitted electronically to no later than 28 February, 2011.