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European Parliament / Interactive / Audio

28-04-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Audio

Radio log: Traveling under the dark cloud of volcanic ash

Author: Delian Zahariev, Radio Bulgaria. Next, you will hear the radio log of Radio Bulgaria’s Delian Zahariev who was stranded in Brussels because of the cloud of volcanic ash that had covered the skies of Europe. After a considerable amount of efforts, he finally managed to get on a bus from Brussels to Sofia. Listen to the radio log of a nearly 40-hour journey...
26-04-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Audio

Audio recording: Public presentation of the book "Europe 2020 - Civic Vision" in Brussels, April 13, 2010

A public presentation of the book "Europe 2020 - Civic Vision" was organized in Brussels on 13 April, 2010, in partnership with the Bulgarian MEPs Mariya Nedelcheva and Vladimir Urutchev. Special guest was French MEP Pascale Gruny. The book's presentation was followed by a discussion with the participation of young Bulgarian citizens, who were in the audience, and were...
03-03-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Audio

Audio recording - EP President Jerzy Buzek's public lecture "Europe and Freedom", Sofia University, 3 March 2010

Europe Gateway is presenting an audio recording of the public speech "Europe and Freedom", held at the Sofia University by European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek on March 3, 2010, within his official visit to Bulgaria.
01-01-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Audio

Political strategy of the Spanish EU Presidency

On January 1, 2010, Spain will assume, for the fourth time, the Presidency of the European Union. It is a key moment, not only for Europe but for the whole international society. Listen to the viewpoint of Miguel Angel Moratinos, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain. (Moratinos Politica Estrategia 2020) For six months, Spain will be in charge of the political leadership...
26-03-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Audio

The EP, the MEPs and the Citizens” - Voxbox discussion (audio recording)

"The EP, the MEPs and the Citizens - Evaluating the Outgoing Term and Drawing the Challenges of the Next" was the topic of the discussion which tool place in Voxbox Studio in the European Parliament in Brussels on March 18, 2008. The discussion was held within the "Now - Interacting with the European Union!" Initiative and was broadcast live on Europe Gateway. The communication...
23-06-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Audio

The French Presidency of the EU: presentation of the priorities (audio)

Audio-files available here. The first event in Sofia, related to the forthcoming start of the French presidency of the EU, took place on June 23, Monday, within the initiative “Now – interacting with the European Parliament!” To see the videos, click here(
16-06-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Audio

Is the Lisbon Treaty dead after the Irish referendum? Opinion of Irish Ambassador to Bulgaria

The rejection of the Lisbon Treaty at the Irish referendum was not because of our attitude towards Europe – it was because of the Treaty itself, says in an interview for the Bulgarian National Radio the Ambassador of Ireland to Bulgaria. In the first part His Excellency explains why, in his opinion, the Irish citizens said “No” to the Treaty. In the second...
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