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European Parliament / Interactive / Video

14-04-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Voxbox discussion “Europe’s role in the world by 2020 – the civic vision” – live from Brussels

2010 is the first year after the coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty, reforming the European Union. Simultaneously, the Union is thinking of its next long-term strategy, Europe 2020. Thus, this year has all the good reasons to remain in history as the beginning of a new stage in the overall development of the European Union and its member states. What would the European...
03-03-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Video recording - EP President Jerzy Buzek's public lecture "Europe and Freedom", Sofia University, 3 March 2010

Europe Gateway is presenting a video recording of the public speech "Europe and Freedom", held at the Sofia University by European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek on March 3, 2010, within his official visit to Bulgaria.
26-02-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Herman Van Rompuy: Jobs and growth are of utmost importance for the daily lives of all our citizens

Address of the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, to the Collège d'Europe, Bruges, 25 February 2010. The speech "Europe's Role and Place in the World" was held on 25 February, in Bruges, Belgium, at the College of Europe. The President was welcomed by Mr Iñigo Mendez de Vigo, President of the Administrative Board of the College of...
05-02-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Mr. João Sant'Anna: The European Democracy is possible, it is real

The closing speech of Mr. João Sant'Anna – Head of the Legal Department of the European Ombudsman - to the "Europe 2020 - Civic Visions" international conference, held in Sofia in January 2010. Mr. Sant`Anna was special guest to the International conference “Europe 2020 – Civic Visions”, held in Sofia on January 29-30, 2010, within the...
05-02-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Speech by Mrs. Doris Pack, Chairwoman of the Commission on Culture and Education, EP, for the "Europe 2020 - Civic Visions" conference

Mrs. Pack was special guest to the International conference “Europe 2020 – Civic Visions”, held in Sofia on January 29-30, 2010, within the “Interacting with the European Parliament” project, financially supported by the EP through DG “Communication”. Mrs. Doris Pack ( is Chairwoman of the Committee on Culture...
05-02-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

The conclusions: "Europe 2020 - Civic Visions" - video recordings from the closing session, January 30

Conclusions from Panel 1 - European democracy is a long avenue, an ongoing debate. It will not be achieved any soon, and it is not clear whether by 2020. At this stage the European identity does not exist and a European demos cannot be formed. It could be created from above and this should be a goal for the coming decade. - The citizens’ initiative is a very...
05-02-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

The solidarity in the EU – shared responsibility for development: Video recordings from the Europe 2020 - Civic Visions international conference

Here are the key conclusions from the work in Panel 3: Panel 3 – Conclusions The results from discussions in Panel 3 reflect some of the main recommendations on the part of the civic organizations’ representatives as for EU’s long-term development, particularly in the following aspects: 1. There is a need for reform of the European employment policy,...
05-02-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

European Cultural Space and Identity: Video recordings from the Europe 2020 - Civic Visions international conference

Here are the key conclusions from the work in Panel 2: - The European Citizens have only rights, they must also have duties; - Need to encourage the mobility of European citizens, more particularly to increase the financing for the European exchange programmes; we need follow-up of the programmes and more visibility of the programmes for the whole society; need to...
05-02-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

European Democracy - Mission Possible? Video recordings from the Europe 2020 - Civic Visions international conference

Here are the key conclusions from the work in Panel 1: Panel 1, “European Democracy – Mission Possible?” - European democracy is a long avenue, an ongoing debate. It will not be achieved any soon, and it is not clear whether by 2020. At this stage the European identity does not exist and a European demos cannot be formed. It could be created from above...
05-02-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Europe 2020 - Civic Visions international conference: video recordings of the opening day

A video summary of the key moments from the opening of the "Europe 2020 -Civic Visions" international conference, held in Sofia on January 29-3, 2010. 

The conference was organized by the European Institute and its partners within the project "Interacting with the European Parliament", implemented with the financial support of the EP's DG "Communication".

The majority of the recordings are dubbed in English.

Watch, listen, read and react...! Let us interact together with the EP!
01-01-2010 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Welcome messages to the Spanish EU Presidency by the Spanish PM

The Spanish prime minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, is determined that the Spanish Presidency-in-turn will give ‘decisive impetus to the construction of Europe’, which coincides with the ‘new beginning’ of the Treaty of Lisbon coming into effect. Zapatero gave assurances that, from 1 January, Spain will work ‘in complete...
13-04-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Discussion in Paris: My MEP and Me: Real or Virtual Dialogue?" (video recording)

The Director of the EP Information Bureau in Paris Mr. Alain Barrau gave an awarding diploma to Matthew Rushworth - the winner in the European essay contest „2009 EP Vote - beyond the sugar cubes". The ceremony took place on April 3, 2009 in Paris during the discussion "My MEP and I - is the dialogue real or virtual?" with the participation of students ands experts from...
13-04-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

The citizens of Versailles: about the EP, the EU, the elections, the future... (video-recording)

On April 2, 2009 a discussion under this topic took place in Versailles - France. The debate was held in the "Eagles Saloon" of the Versailles Municipal Council. The French partners along the project, Yvelines Radio, played host to the discussion. The events in Versailles and Paris allowed us to meet the winner in the contest “Europe beyond the sugar cubes and on the...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

VOXBOX-discussion “The EP, the MEPS and the Citizens” (video recording)

"EP, MEPs and Citizens - Evaluating the Outgoing Term and Drawing the Challenges of the One to Come" was the topic of the discussion which tool place in Voxbox Studio in the European Parliament in Brussels on March 18, 2008. The discussion was held within the "Now - Interacting with the European Union!" Initiative and was broadcast live on Europe Gateway. On the eve of the...
07-02-2009 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

EU Czech presidency: Europe without barriers

Europe without barriers is the motto of the EU Czech presidency in the first half of 2009. The start of the Czech rotation presidency was marked by two international challenges – the efforts to find a solution to the Gaza conflict and the Russia-Ukraine gas dispute. Sofia hosted on January 16, 2009 a public presentation of Prague's priorities for the coming six months.
17-07-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Nickolay Mladenov MEP's speech in the Iraq debate (video)

We are presenting the 2-minute speech in the plenary of the European Parliament on March 12 2008 in the Iraq debate, delivered by Nickolay Mladenov MEP (EPP-ED - GERB). This video is shared in Youtube by Mr. Mladenov and is a part of the preparation of the European Council (Brussels, 13-14 March...
04-07-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

“Towards common European energy policy" conference

Bulgaria is drawing up new energy strategy, changes to the emissions trading scheme are underway - emphases of the "Towards common European energy policy" conference

The Information Office of the European Parliament in Sofia organized a conference devoted to the European energy policy under the heading "Towards common European energy policy". Atanas Paparizov MEP, Nina Radeva, Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy, Ivanka Dilovska, head of Directorate - Energy Strategy with the Ministry of Economy and Energy, and Violeta Hristova, Bulgarian Energy Institute, presented the dimensions of the Bulgarian energy policy in the framework of the EU "third energy package".
Atanas Paparizov MEP /PES-BSP/ is EP rapporteur on the proposal for Regulation on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission network which is part of the new EU policy in the energy sector. The formal occasion for the discussion was that the EP will vote on a package consisting of three energy regulation directives during its July session in Strasbourg. The event attracted great media interest. Representatives of NGOs, scientific circles and experts took part in the debate which was broadcasted live on the Internet in the specialized multilingual website under the initiative "Now - interacting with the European Parliament". The website users had the chance to ask questions to the participants in the forum via an Internet platform. is the website of the initiative „ Now - interacting with the European Parliament!" which is implemented with the financial support of the European Parliament.

23-06-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

The French Presidency of the EU: presentation of the priorities

The first event in Sofia, related to the forthcoming start of the French presidency of the EU, took place on June 23, Monday, within the initiative “Now – interacting with the European Parliament!” The presentation was organized by the European Institute – a civil-society organization, which traditionally makes public events for promoting the rotational...
13-05-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

'The Power of Speech" by Graham Watson - video statement by ALDE group chairman

Europe Gateway presents the special video statement, made by MEP Graham Watson, Alde Group Chairman, in connection to the presentation of his book "The Power of Speech" in the Sofia University. The Bulgarian translation of "The Power of Speech" appears on the Bulgarian book market in May 2008. "The Power of Speech" is a selection of Graham Watson's speeches. It traces...
09-04-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Alexander Stubb MEP (EPP-ED) welcomes our initiative

Alexander Stubb was among the first representatives of the European parliament who welcomed in a special video-address the launching of the initiative "Now - interacting with the European Parliament!".( Just days after he recorded his video-message, which was first aired at the opening ceremony in Sofia in March, Mr....
09-04-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament - 50 Years On

09-04-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

1958 The first meeting of the European Assembly

09-04-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

50th Anniversary of the European Parliament

09-04-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Statement by EP president Hans-Gert Pöttering

19-03-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

Record of the Project Opening

17-03-2008 • European Parliament / Interactive / Video

MEP Andrew Duff

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