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European Parliament / 2009: Election

09-06-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

After the elections - now what happens?

The 736 newly elected Members of the European Parliament will meet for the first time on 14 July in Strasbourg. Their first job will be to form themselves into trans-national political groups and then to elect a President and 14 Vice-presidents who will serve for the next two and a half years. New Members may also probably have to vote on whether to give José Manuel...
08-06-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Results of the 2009 European elections

Provisional 08 June 2009 at 03:07 CEST Political groupNumber of seatsScore in % EPP-ED 267 36.3 PES 159 21.6 ALDE 81 11 GREENS/EFA 51 6.9 UEN 35 4.8 GUE/NGL 33 4.5 IND/DEM 20 2.7 Others 90 12.2 EPP-ED: Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats PES: Socialist Group in the European...
08-06-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

European Election win for the European People's Party: for the 3rd time running, the EPP is the driving force of the European Parliament

For the third time in a row, European citizens have placed their trust in the European People's Party and its member parties to make their parliamentary representatives the most influential European parliamentary Group for the 2009-2014 parliamentary term. With some 260 seats, the EPP is, by far, the largest political Group in the European Parliament. They have decided...
07-06-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Europarltv: special election night live coverage on Sunday 7 June 2009

Europarltv, the web television service of the European Parliament, is providing live coverage in 22 languages of the European elections on the evening of Sunday 7 June. Full results and turnout figures will be unveiled and commented upon by our team of pundits and experts. The europarltv team will speak to VIPs present in the European Parliament as well as with political...
25-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

FAQs on political parties and party politics

Around Europe political parties are campaigning for votes so they can send Members to the European Parliament. If elected they form a group, not with people from the same country, but with other parties from other countries who hold similar views. So for example Socialists sit with one another in a political group in the Parliament. The European Parliament receives many...
13-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Ballot-paper Numbers are Now Clear

The Central Electoral Committee for the European Parliament Elections (CECEPE) in Bulgaria drew lots for the numbers of the parties and coalitions for the ballot-papers for the European Parliament Elections on June, 7th. Ballot-paper numbers are, as follows: 1.Order, Law and Justice Party - ballot-paper number 1. 2.Political Party LIDER - ballot-paper number 2. 3.CEDB...
07-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Venezuela : Deterioration in human rights situation condemned

The European Parliament has adopted a Resolution condemning the current regime in Venezuela for its political persecution and deterioration in the quality of democracy there. The concentration of power in the hands of the President and the worsening of the human rights situation in Venezuela have increased the concerns of the Members of the European Parliament. "We organised...
07-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Human Rights: European Parliament cannot conclude its 5-year legislative period by condemning Pope Benedict XVI

Today, the European Parliament adopted the Report on the Human Rights in the World 2008 and the EU's policy on the subject. 429 MEPs voted in favour, 36 against and 55 abstained. The EPP-ED Group's Human Rights Coordinator, Laima Andrikienė MEP, who was actively involved in the preparation of the Report, welcomed the outcome of the vote. "The Report and the...
07-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

EU needs a green energy super grid

Graham Watson MEP, Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe has warned European leaders against squandering the present opportunity to develop green energy sources in Europe. Speaking on the eve of a meeting in Prague between the Turkish Prime Minister and the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Georgia to discuss plans for a southern gas corridor, Watson said:...
07-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

ALDE:Member States need to show more solidarity in asylum policy

Today the European Parliament voted on the asylum package as proposed by the Commission which addresses among other things reception conditions, legal assistance, the management of asylum applications and the use of detention. Many solemn declarations and agreements have been made. Now it is time to implement them. ALDE spokesperson on immigration policy, Jeanine...
07-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

ALDE: Europeans need to feel safe travelling and working abroad

The European Parliament adopted a report on the future of European Criminal Justice legislation. The report wishes to improve the monitoring of the implementation of EU criminal justice legislation and judicial training. It furthermore strongly supports the adoption of new legislation ensuring adequate procedural safeguards. Sarah Ludford (LibDem, UK) comments: "Instruments...
07-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

ALDE calls for end to procrastination on Lisbon Treaty

The Czech Senate finally ratified the Lisbon Treaty today by the required 3/5ths majority, but it does not appear to have put an end to the filibustering that is causing a major headache for EU lawyers trying to shed light on the transition this autumn to a new European Commission and Parliament. Graham Watson, ALDE group leader commented: "This vote ushers in a second...
07-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

ALDE: Telecoms package will uphold internet user's rights

The European Parliament adopted a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services. This new regulation aims to enhance competition and fair access to new entrants. European Liberals and Democrats were concerned that internet users would be cut off from the internet without a ruling from a judge. Luckily the European Parliament approved an ALDE...
07-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Lisbon Treaty: EPP-ED welcomes the Czech Senate's decision on Lisbon Treaty

Joseph Daul, the Chairman of the largest group of the European Parliament, the EPP-ED Group, welcomed the decision of the Czech Senate to ratify the Lisbon Treaty. "The ratification process of the Lisbon Treaty continues and I am happy that the Treaty was approved by the directly elected representatives in the Czech Parliament", said Joseph Daul MEP. The upper house of the...
07-05-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

EP votes to adjust capital requirements to rebuild trust in the banking sector

The European Parliament adopted its view on capital requirements in the European banking sector. As the voted text has been agreed with the Council in first reading, the new arrangements become effective from 31 December 2010. The new rules tighten the definitions of core capital, limit the amount of short term exposure that banks can have to one another, introduce colleges...
22-04-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Foreigners in Bulgaria can vote for BG-candidates at the June EP elections

CEC-Announcement Requirements for EU Citizens Voting in EP Elections Central electoral commission for electing members of the European parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria Citizens of European Union Member-States who would like to exercise their right to vote in the elections for Members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria on 7 June 2009 (active...
28-03-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

EP launches campaign for higher election turnout

The European Parliament launches a large-scale awareness raising campaign in the 27 EU member states under the slogan “European Elections – It’s your choice”. The 6th EP elections will take place between 4th and 7th June 2009. Bulgaria and Hungary are the only two countries that still haven’t appointed election days. “The campaign will cost...
27-03-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Are you voting, by the way?

By noelleanneosullivan on Are you one of the 509,000 [1] non-Belgian EU citizens that are eligible to vote in Belgium for the European elections this year? So, by this stage you’ve signed up at your local commune to be on the electoral lists for voting in the European Parliament...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Matthew Rushworth - the winner in the essay competition

Beyond the sugar cubes, deeper engagement between Europe’s citizenry and its political institutions is the Union’s best hope for continued peace, prosperity and progress. Matthew Rushworth is the winner in the essay competition launched within the initiative “Now – Interacting with the European parliament”. He is 29 years old and is currently...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Second place in the essay conest - Boris Stanimirov

Boris Stanimirov is 32 years old. He is Head of Department in Leasing institution with serious background in International policy Relations. EP 2009 Vote: Beyond the Sugar Cubes The forthcoming vote for European Parliament will be the first truly European election in the history of the European Union. It’s the first time citizens of the entire geographical territory...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Third place it essay contest - Mikko Patokallio

Mikko Patokallio is a graduate of McGill University and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science. Later he was an intern at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. He currently works as a project assistant for the Crisis Management Initiative. EP 2009 Vote: Beyond the Sugar Cubes “We will sweeten Europe,” claims the slogan of the...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Fourth place in essay contest - Frederiek Vermeulen

EP 2009 Vote: Beyond the Sugar Cube 'If Europe were united in the sharing of its common inheritance there would be no limit to the happiness, prosperity and glory which its 300 million or 400 million people would enjoy.' Opening words taken from Winston Churchill’s famous speech held in Zurich in 1946. Shortly after, Europe started its most prestigious project...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Fifth place in essay contest - Ivan Iliev

32 year old councillor in Sofia City Council, Chair of the Engineering Infrastructure Committee and Air Traffic Controller in Approach Control Unit Sofia EP 2009 Vote: Beyond the Sugar Cubes Another year of elections. Another year of hope? – May be - for those who know why, for those who care! What should be known? – One thing only – it depends on us and...
18-03-2009 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

The Winners of the „EP 2009 Vote: Beyond the Sugar Cubes" Essay Contest

The winner in the essay contest organized in the frameworks of the “Now – Interacting with the European Parliament!” Imitative is now known. His name was announced live in VoxBox Studio in EP in Brussels during a discussion with representatives of the three largest political groups in the Parliament. The selection committee of the contest was faced with a...
07-09-2008 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Bulgarian citizens “firing” the Socialist-led Government

A symbolic sample “Letter of dismissal” of the Bulgarian Socialist-led government, to be signed by the citizens in the period 6-21 September, is the key element of a nationwide protest campaign, launched by the Bulgarian rightwing parties, belonging to the European People’s Party format. The campaign, mottoed “I am European”, calls for the citizens...
01-07-2008 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

The 2008 Summer Institute on Urban Development

Management of urban change - measuring & performing is the key topic of the forthcoming event. The International Urban Development Association INTA offers City professionals (both decision makers and city managers) the opportunity to improve their practical knowledge and competence in the development, implementation and monitoring of urban development....
30-06-2008 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Call for proposals IX-2009/02 — Grants to political foundations at European level

The European Parliament has published in the Official Journal of the EU dated 28 June a Call for proposals IX-2009/02 — Grants to political foundations at European level. Article 191 of the Treaty establishing the European Community says that the political parties at European level are an important factor for integration within the Union. They contribute to forming a...
30-06-2008 • European Parliament / 2009: Election

Call for proposals IX-2009/01 — Grants to political parties at European level

The European Parliament has published in the Official Journal of the EU dated 28 June a Call for proposals IX-2009/01 — Grants to political parties at European level. Article 191 of the Treaty establishing the European Community says that the political parties at European level are an important factor for integration within the Union. They contribute to forming a...
16-05-2008 • European Parliament / 2009: Election


The Bulgarian premiere of the recent book "Power of Speech" by Graham Watson was organised by the initiative of the Bulgarian MEP Mariela Baeva, member of ALDE with the media support by Europe Gateway. The event took place in the Sofia University on May 16, 2008. The book was presented by professor Donka Aleksadrova who translated Power of speech in Bulgarian. Graham Watson has...
16-05-2008 • European Parliament / 2009: Election


The Bulgarian premiere of the book "Power of Speech" by Graham Watson was organised by the initiative of the Bulgarian MEP Mariela Baeva, member of ALDE with the media support by Europe Gateway. The event took place in the Sofia University on May 16, 2008. The book was presented by professor Donka Aleksadrova who translated Power of speech in Bulgarian. Graham Watson has sent...
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