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European Parliament / European Parliament

18-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

50th anniversary of the European Parliament commemorated in Strasbourg - 12 March 2008

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To celebrate the European Parliament's 50th anniversary on 19 March 2008, the presidents of the EP, the Council and the Commission each addressed the House in a special sitting in Strasbourg plenary on Wednesday, 12 March 2008. The speeches were preceded and followed by performances by the European Youth Orchestra.

In his opening address, European Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering first welcomed several former presidents of the European Parliament, the president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, speakers of national parliaments and numerous other dignitaries.
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament


The committees in the European Parliament are permanent, temporary, investigation (inquiry) and subcommittees. The subcommittees, investigation and temporary committees are established in connection with the consideration of specific issues. The permanent committees in the EP are 20. They prepare the work of the MEPs in plenary sessions in specific sectors - foreign affairs,...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament


Following the creation of the EEC and Euratom, the ECSC Common Assembly was expanded to cover all three Communities. With 142 Members, the Assembly met for the first time in Strasbourg on 19 March 1958 as the 'European Parliamentary Assembly'(, changing its name to...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Petitions

The Committee on Petitions is responsible for the petitions and the relations with the European Ombudsman.
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Constitutional Affairs

The Committee is responsible for the institutional aspects of the European integration process especially within the framework of the preparation and carrying on of conventions and intergovernmental conferences, the implementation of the Treaty on European Union and the evaluation of its effect as well as the institutional impact of the negotiations for EU enlargement.
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Women's Rights and Gender Equality

The Committee is responsible for determining, promoting and protecting women's rights within the European Union and the related Community measures, enhancing women's rights in third countries as well as the equal opportunities policy. Another responsibility of this Committee is the elimination of all sorts of gender discrimination.
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

The Committee is responsible for the protection of citizens' rights, human rights and fundamental rights on the territory of the European Union including the protection of minorities. The Committee is also in charge of the measures needed to combat all other forms of discrimination, the protection of physical persons in relation to personal data processing, asylum and...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Legal Affairs

The committee focuses on the interpretation and application of European Union law, the conformity between EU legal acts and the primary European law, the observance of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality and control of the adherence to the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. The Committee is also in charge of the interpretation and application of...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Culture and Education

Committee responsible for the cultural aspects of the European Union, and in particular: improving the knowledge and dissemination of culture, the protection and promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and the conservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage, cultural exchanges and artistic creation. The other responsibilities of the Commitee are: the Union's...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Fisheries

The Committee on Fisheries is engaged in common policy-making in the field of fisheries, protection of fishing resources and general organization of the fisheries market - including the financial instruments for fisheries guidance.
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

The Agricultural Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of the common agricultural policy and rural regions development, including the activities of the relevant financial instruments. Its main priority is the EU legislation adoption in the field of veterinary and plant-health matters, animal feedingstuffs, animal husbandry and welfare.
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Regional Development

The Committee on Regional Development is in charge of regional and cohesion policy-making, and in particular: the European Regional Development Fund, European Cohesion Fund and other regional policy instruments. The Committee is also engaged in transborder and intraregional development, relations with the Committee on Regions, as well as with organizations for intraregional...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Transport and Tourism

The Committee is responsible for the issues related to common policy-making in the field of railway, automobile, inland river, maritime and air transport, in particular concerning the common rules applicable to transport within the European Union, building and development of Trans-European transport networks, provision of transport services and third-country relations in the area...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Internal Market and Consumer Protection

The Committee is responsible for the coordination of national legislation at Community level in the field of EU internal market and the Customs Union, in particular concerning the free movement of goods, including harmonization of technical standards and measures aimed at establishing and eliminating potential obstacles to internal market functioning.
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Industry, Research and Energy

The Committee has oversight duties on the Community measures in the field of energy policy as a whole, energy supply security and energy efficiency, including building and development of Trans-European networks in the energy infrastructure sector. More specifically, its responsibilities relate to the Euratom Treaty and the Euratom Supply Agency; nuclear safety, decommissioning of...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

The Committee's areas of responsibility relate to environmental policy and environment protection measures, in particular concerning air, water and soil pollution, management and recycling of waste, hazardous substances and chemicals, noise levels, climate change, biodiversity protection and others. In the field of public health, the Committee is responsible for...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Employment and Social Affairs

The Committee is responsible for the employment policy and all aspects of social policy such as working conditions, social security and social protection. Naturally, among its prerogatives, are the European Social Fund and the free movement of workers and pensioners. The Committee's duties also relate to all forms of discrimination at the workplace and in the labour market...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Economic and Monetary Affairs

The Committee is responsible for the EU economic and monetary policies, the functioning of the EU Economic and Monetary Union, as well as the European monetary and financial system. Among the Committee's priorities are also the free movement of capital and payments, supervision of transactions from third countries, rules on competition, State or public aid and tax regulations.
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Budgets

The Committee is responsible for the multiannual financial framework of the EU's revenue and expenditure and the EU's system for self-financing. In addition to the issues relating to the EU's budget implementation, management and control o (see below, editor's note), the Committee focuses its activities on overseeing and assessing EU's current budget...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Budgetary Control

The Committee's responsibilities relate to supervising the implementation of EU's budget and the European Development Fund - including auditing of the accounts and balance sheets of the EU, its institutions and all agencies financed by the EU. The Committee carries out monitoring of the cost-effectiveness of Community financing during the implementation of EU policies. It...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : International Trade

The Committee is responsible for the relations with the World Trade Organization (WTO), EU trade policy and external economic relations, in particular relations with third countries and regional organizations; harmonization in the areas settled by international regulations, as well as issues concerning the regional economic and commercial integration outside the Union.
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Development

The Committee is in charge of EU development and cooperation policy i.e. political dialogue, aid, EU Partnership Agreements and the promotion of democratic values in developing countries. An important aspect of its responsibility is the participation of the EP in election observation missions. Its duties also relate to issues concerning EU-ACPO (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific...
17-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament

Committee : Foreign Affairs

As we know well in Bulgaria, this is the Committee which is responsible for starting, monitoring and concluding negotiations with EU candidate countries. Its competence also relates to human rights issues, protection of minorities and the promotion of democratic values in third countries. But what is most important is that this Committee is in charge of the Common Foreign...
05-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament


The European Parliament shares legislative power equally with the Council of the European Union. This means it is empowered to adopt European laws (directives, regulations etc,). It can accept, amend or reject the content of European legislation. The ordinary legislative procedure (co-decision) puts Parliament on an equal footing with the Council. The co- decision procedure was...
05-03-2008 • European Parliament / European Parliament


The system of the political groups in the EP is very specific. Instead of being organized on a purely national basis, MEPs form supranational groups according to their common political interests. Political groups in the EP are namely these supranational formations. The political groups in the European Parliament consist of representatives of one of the supranational...
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