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European union

European union


The euro (plural euro, symbol: €; banking code: EUR) is the official currency of the European Union and single currency for over 300 million Europeans in the following twelve European Union member states: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain; collectively also known as the eurozone. Due to bilateral...
European union


Treaty on European Union Part I - Treaty_on_EU_1.pdf( (5.58 Mb) Part II - Treaty_on_EU_2.pdf( (4.44 Mb)
European union


Treaty of Amsterdam Treaty_of_Amsterdam.pdf( (5.57 Mb)
European union


European union


27-09-2004 • European union

Accession of United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland

Accession of United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland Accession_1973.pdf( (1.85 Mb)
27-09-2004 • European union

Accession of Greece

Accession of Greece Accession_1979.pdf( (3.18 Mb)
27-09-2004 • European union

Accession of Spain and Portugal

Accession of Spain and...
European union

Humanitarian Aid

The legal basis of the Humanitarian Aid policy are Article 177 to 181 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The EU is present in all trouble spots including Iraq (where it has completed a humanitarian and reconstruction programme worth €320 million with another €200 million to come in 2005), Afghanistan, the PalestinianTerritories, and several parts of Africa....
European union


Open frontiers and affordable transport have given Europeans unprecedented levels of personal mobility. Goods are shipped rapidly and efficiently from factory to customer, often in different countries. The European Union has contributed by opening national markets to competition and by removing physical and technical barriers to free movement. But today's transport patterns...
European union


The legal basis of the Fisheries policy are Articles 32 to 38 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The EU is the third largest fishery producer in the world. More than half a million people work in the fishery sector in Europe, and the EU average consumption of fish stands at almost 25 kg per head per annum – a figure which is considerably higher than the world...
European union

Regional Policy

The legal basis of the Regional policy is Title XVII of the Treaty establishing the European Community. Although the European Union is one of the richest parts of the world, there are striking internal disparities of income and opportunity between its regions. The entry of 10 new member countries in May 2004, whose incomes are well below the EU average, has widened these...
European union


The entry of eight central and eastern European countries together with Cyprus and Malta into the European Union on 1 May 2004 was a historic achievement, ending centuries of division. Europe reunited means a stronger, democratic and more stable continent, with a single market providing economic benefits for all its 450 million citizens. Enlargement is one of the EU's most...
European union


The legal basis of the Development policy is Title XX and Part IV of the Treaty establishing the European Community. Nearly half the money spent to help poor countries comes from the European Union and its member states, making it the world’s biggest aid donor. But development policy is about more than providing clean water and surfaced roads, important though these are. The...
European union


The legal basis of the Enterprise policy is Article 157 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. Enterprise policy aims to ensure all businesses compete and trade on fair and equal terms and that Europe is an attractive place to invest and work. It nevertheless takes into account the importance of Europe having a sound industrial fabric across the EU. This can mean...
European union

Justice and Home Affairs

The legal basis of the Justice, Freedom and Security policy are Articles 29 to 42 of the Treaty on European Union and Articles 61 to 69 and 17 to 22 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The freedom European Union citizens enjoy to travel, work and live anywhere in the EU can easily be taken for granted. To benefit fully from this right, people need to lead...
European union


The legal basis of the Consumers policy is Article 153 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. An EU-level consumer policy is a necessary adjunct to the internal market. If the single market functions well, it will stimulate consumer confidence in cross-border transactions and have a positive impact on competition and prices for the benefit of all EU citizens....
European union


The legal basis of the Enlargement policy is Article 49 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The entry of eight central and eastern European countries together with Cyprus and Malta into the European Union on 1 May 2004 was a historic achievement, ending centuries of division. Europe reunited means a stronger, democratic and more stable continent, with a single...
European union

Public Health

The legal basis of the Health policy is Article 152 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. In a world where people regularly travel between countries and continents, threats to the health of EU citizens from communicable diseases cannot be quarantined within national borders. Diseases caused by smoking, poor nutrition or pollution are a matter of concern in all...
European union

Education, Training, Youth

The legal basis of the Education, Training and Youth policy are Articles 149 to 150 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The opportunities which the EU offers its citizens for living, studying and working in other countries make a major contribution to cross-cultural understanding, personal development and the realisation of the EU’s full economic potential....
European union


The legal basis of the Customs policy are Articles 23 to 27 and Title X of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The customs union was one of the EU’s earliest milestones. It abolished customs duties at internal borders and put in place a uniform system for taxing imports. Customs officers are now found only at the EU’s external borders. They not only keep trade...
European union


The legal basis of the Culture policy is Article 151 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. Language, literature, performing arts, visual arts, architecture, crafts, the cinema and broadcasting are all part of Europe’s cultural diversity. Although belonging to a specific country or region, they represent part of Europe’s common cultural heritage. The aim of the...
European union


The legal basis of the Competition policy are Articles 81 to 89 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. Effective competition is crucial to an open market economy. It cuts prices, raises quality and expands customer choice. Competition allows technological innovation to flourish. For this to happen, fair play on the part of businesses and governments is...
European union

Information Society

The legal basis of the Information Society policy are Titles XV and XVI and Articles 163 to 172 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The communications revolution is driven by technology and market forces. The European Union has been at the heart of this process, setting the pace for opening markets, defending consumer interests and even setting technical...
European union

Research and Innovation

The legal basis of the Research and Innovation policy are Articles 163 to 173 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The European Union produces almost one third of the world's scientific knowledge. Joint programmes consolidate the work of EU countries. The main tool is the Sixth Framework Programme. This funds research in the member states and some other...
26-04-2004 • European union


The legal basis of the Common Agricultural policy are Articles 32 to 38 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The aim of the common agricultural policy is to provide farmers with a reasonable standard of living and consumers with quality food at fair prices. The way these aims are met has changed over the years. Food safety, preservation of the rural environment...
European union

Employment and Social Affairs

The legal basis of the Employment and Social policy is Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union and Articles 2 and 13, Titles III (Articles 39 to 42), VIII and XI of the Treaty establishing the European Community. More and better jobs and equal opportunities are the watchwords of European employment and social policy. The European Union wants to make sure that everyone is...
European union


The legal basis of the Energy policy is the EURATOM Treaty, the ECSC Treaty, and Articles 49 to 55, Title XV and Title XIX  of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The EU and 11 countries of southeast Europe in late 2004 agreed to set up an Energy Community in which rules on energy will be the same everywhere. This will be good for security of supply because...
European union


The legal basis of the Taxation policy are Articles 90 to 93 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. Within the EU, governments retain sole responsibility for direct taxes – the amounts they raise by taxing personal incomes and company profits. EU taxation policy focuses instead on the rates of indirect taxes like value-added tax and excise duties which can...
European union

External Relations

The legal basis of the External Relations policy is Title V of the Treaty on European Union and Articles 131 to 134 and Articles 177 to 181 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. The term External Relations covers all aspects of the EU’s foreign affairs except for trade, handled as a separate policy area, and links with developing countries of Africa, the...
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European union
EU History
Chronology; Key documents
EU institutions
EU institutions; Financial bodies ; Advisory bodies ; Inter institutional bodies; Decentralised bodies of the European Union (agencies); ...
EU member states
Acceding countries
Regular Reports
Associated countries
Audiovisual ; Food Safety ; Fraud; Budget ; Foreign and Security Policy; ...
EU Treaties
Accession Treaties; Founding Treaties

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